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Gabe was at her locker, getting her things ready for her next class, when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Can we talk?"

She turned around to the voice, rolling her eyes at the person in front of her, ignoring them and going back to what she was doing.

"Gabe, please."

"Why would I want to talk with you. Leave me alone."  She slammed her locker shut before walking off and heading to her next class.

time skip brought to you by the theme song

"Who's got two thumbs, three free candy bars, and is best buds with Dave Stachowski?" Benny smiles while taking a seat next to Sarah and Ethan. "That's right. This guy!"

Gabe takes one of the candy bars from him. "Make that two free candy bars." she laughs causing Benny to glare at her.

"I, uh, see what you mean." Sarah says to Ethan. Benny and Gabe just send them a look of confusion.

"It gets worse. It's like he's inserted himself into my life." Ethan says telling them about how Dave was eating all the food from his fridge.

"So he eats all your food. Not enough to break up a good bromance." Sarah pinches Ethans cheek.

"There's more. The guy howls." Ethan says and as if on que, Dave picks a candy bar off the ground.

"Woo-hoo! Free candy bar!" he cheers before letting out a howl.

"A lot of dudes howl. It's a jock animal thing." Benny tries to explain.

"I can't be the only one who's noticed how hairy he is."

"So he's hairy. A lot of guys are hairy. It's a... hairy guy thing." Benny tries to explain once more.

"It's basic math. Howling plus hair, plus this town, equals-"

"Awesome." Benny interrupts cutting Ethan off.

"Werewolf." Ethan corrects him.

"Werewolf." Benny repeats.

"Ethan. Not everything is supernatural. You're obsessed."

"Sarah's right E. Maybe he's just a normal dude. There doesn't need to be some supernatural explanation for why he's the way he is." Gabe tells him.

"Yeah, he's just hanging out with us cause he realized how cool we are."

"I don't think that's the reason B." Gabe tells her brother.

"Watch. I'll prove it." Benny gets up and goes over to two girls who are at the vending machine. "Ladies." he smirks at them, they dump their chips on him. He comes and sits back down, blowing a chip out of his nose while the others laugh.

"Dude's a werewolf." Benny sighs.

"Okay, we prove that David's a werewolf. Then we figure out what he wants." Ethan explains the plan.

"I've got better things to do than stalk back shavers." Sarah says getting up and walking away.

"Like what?" Benny scoffs.

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