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"Look at this." Benny scoffs as he, Gabe, and Ethan walk into a room where a bunch of dudes are lined up to give blood. "It's like opening day for Revenge of the Sith all over again. You know, minus the stormtroopers."

"I don't blame 'em," Gabe says. "Look at the blood babes," she says swooning over the two gorgeous women.

"My mom thinks I should donate. She says my blood is special. I think it's exactly why I should keep it where it belongs: in my veins." Ethan says.

"Dude she has to say your blood is special. She's your mom." Benny tells him.

"B I don't think it works like that." Gabe laughs. Anyways. The reason E doesn't give blood is that he's too scared of needles."

"You big chicken," Benny adds.

"I'm not afraid I just don't like them."

"Right the same way you don't like the commercial with the dancing crackers?" Benny and Gabe start dancing awkwardly.

"It freaks you out!" Benny tells his friend.

"It does not! okay? I'm just uncomfortable with eating things that dance. Plus I don't see either of you rushing to donate."

"Uh yeah! They could lift your entire genetic code from one drop." Benny retorts.

"You guys are so lame," Gabe says cutting the line and sitting in the chair. The younger nurse sticks a needle in her arm and she waits until she's done collecting blood. The nurse bandages her up and gives her a cookie. "See that was easy. You guys are losers."

"What if someone clones you?" Benny asks.

"Out of all the people in the world, I don't think I have to worry about being cloned right now B."

Benny is distracted by the girl who just took Gabe's blood. He thinks she's a babe. "Then again... I could stand to lose a pint or two if you know what I'm saying, I mean... Come on!" Benny says to Ethan ignoring what Gabe had said. "Unless, of course, you're too chicken?" Benny and Gabe both start making chicken noises at Ethan.

"I'm not a chicken! I'm a hawk! With huge talons and laser eyes!" Ethan looks over to the nurse pulling a needle out to draw blood and he almost drops to the floor. He spots Sarah walking in. "I just... have to... talk to Sarah! About something..." He walks over to Sarah who's scarfing down a bag of chips.

"Fine. More nurse time for me then." Benny says as he walks away. Gabe just rolls her eyes.

"Hey, Sarah," Ethan says.

"What's up?" She asks but never takes her eyes off the nurses as she continues to eat her chips.

"Not much. You okay?" Ethan asks her.

"Sure I'm fine. Why? Don't I look okay?"

"you have like half a bag of chips on your face."

"Fine," Sarah says wiping her face.

"Seeing all this blood is really getting to you huh?"

"It's like letting contestants of the biggest loser loose in a chocolate factory!"

"Do you need help? au could be like your diet buddy."

"It's Erica I'm worried about. She doesn't have much self-control and if-"

"Hey, Sarah," Erica says coming up to them. She's in a nurse's outfit and is holding a plate of cookies. "Cookie?" she asks letting her fangs out.


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