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"He's a huge, awesome robot! All he'd have to do is yank on the warp engine nacelles." Rory argues with Benny as they walk down the hall along with Gabe and Ethan.

"Okay, that's like saying a dude could fight a boat!" Benny argues back. Rory just shakes his head and keeps walking in front of him.

"Guys, just... Cant we do this in a girl free zone?"

"I'm with Ethan. How am I supposed to attract the ladies with you two geeks arguing!" Gabe tells them, turning to wink at a girl in a turquoise shirt. They don't listen and just keep arguing as the four walk down the halls.

"He's a robot in disguise! He'd just show up as a harmless truck." Rory says to Benny.

"In space?!"

Rory just sighs. Gabe rolls her eyes at the dumb debate.

"Say goodbye guys. Time to put this old relic in storage." Mr. G, the wrestling coach says. He doesn't seem much like a coach though. He's wearing a floral button up over a grey tank top, and he has on small little round glasses.

"But isn't that, like, the only trophy this school has ever won?" Ethan questions as the man holds the rusted award in his hands.

"Yes, but it sends the wrong message, you know? Winning isn't everything. Yeah, sure, our teams come last in points, but, oh boy, we come first in so many other important areas." The scrawny man in glasses tells them.

"Yeah, like... point... avoiding?" Benny says looking over to Rory then back at coach. Ethan laughs at this joke.

"That is one sad trophy case." Rory laughs pointing to the now empty case, Gabe laughs along with him.

"Here, can you hold that for a second?" Coach says handing the trophy to Ethan.

"Yeah sure."

The trophy illuminates in a blue light. All of a sudden a man in a grey tank top that has the whitechapel devils logo on it, appears behind Benny and Rory.

"Oh! Nerd alert!" The man says before grabbing Benny's head and ruffling up his hair. "Get a haircut, Bevo."

Gabe just stares confused, she can see the man.

"What'd you do that for?" Benny asks Rory, an annoyed look in his eye.

The man walks over to Ethan, Gabe moves closer to Ethan.

"Wait, you can see me, mop top?" He asks Ethan.

"Yeah. I... I guess." Ethan tells the man.

"I can see you too. Who are you?" Gabe asks him.

"Uh, well, I am a winner, kid." he says in a matter-of-fact tone. "That's probably why you don't recognize me. I was the best coach this school ever had, right before it was overrun by nerds, like you nerds."

"Obviously you weren't that great if no one knows who you are." Gabe smirks.

"Who are you calling nerds?" Ethan asks defensively.

"Why don't you transform and roll out, dumblebee?" They look over to see Benny and Rory back to arguing.

"You're a warp ten butthead!" Rory retorts.

"Okay, point taken. So... what do you want?" Ethan ask the dude.

"First i'd like to thank you for letting me out of that there trophy. Feels great to be free after 30 years!"

"Okay move on with the speech. This isn't the oscars." Gabe says sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

The dude glares at her. "Now I can finally do things like this." He snaps his fingers and Ethans pants fall down.

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