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Hey guys, it's been a while eh?Just wanted to say that I'm still here and I wanted to let you guys know what's been going on

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Hey guys, it's been a while eh?
Just wanted to say that I'm still here and I wanted to let you guys know what's been going on.

First off, we have my phone... it was factory reset and I lost all my work in 2020 meaning... spoilers Lovers In War part 3 was erased and a bunch of work in progresses. Which honestly? Kind of a bummer.
Than you know... the whole Covid thing.
Writers block started to get at me and i had zero motivation to do anything.
Fell into a depression.
Got a job which is surprising!
Picked up gaming again which lead tooo -bada bing bada boom, Wattpad.
Forgot about this account since I have two accounts (but we ain't gonna talk about that) And now we're here! I just spent the last couple of hours looking through all the comments and honestly? Thank you guys. You are all so wonderful! And I'm very grateful for you.

So now here comes the part where I tell you what's going on with this book...

It shall continue.
I've lost track of the stories that I have done (the ones that have been requested) so I might just say to heck with it! And basically rewrite the requests.
Also thank you to those people who taught me how to spell gauze, because highkey I had no idea. So truly thank you :)
I also will be expanding my stories, meaning different fandoms later on. (I'm falling hard for a family dynamic rn called SBI and getting really into a game called borderlands; But we'll talk about that later)

It's been about.. 2 years? Since I last wrote something so I'm kind of rusty, please bare with me! But yeah :)

But yeah! I'm still alive and slowly getting back to my semi-normal self. Work is probably going to be the main issue for me not posting (and my lack of motivation). But I will at least try and get something out, I'm not sure when but I'm hoping soon. Whether that be a new story in general or an update on this one, we shall see.

I have a question for you all though,
Are you still interested in this One-shot? Or would you like to see something else?

Welp! I hope all of you are having a wonderful day/night, and I'll hopefully talk to you all soon.

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