Lovers in War, Part 2 (America x Soldier!Reader)

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Please let me know if I need to edit anything!

Its been a week since you've teamed up with the American platoon.
America and yourself had grow very close, he taught you how to properly bring someone down using hand-to-hand combat. While you told him stories about your life back home.
You two would laugh at each others stupid jokes, and pull pranks on some of the other members of the platoon. Both of you always stayed close, even on missions.

A lot of the guys would joke around saying you two where like a married couple, which in return you would always laugh nervously with a light blush on your cheeks. Always telling them that you two where just friends, You never saw how those words affected America.

Today was like any other, the sun shined brightly as birds chirped, no clouds in the sky. It was lovely, like nothing could go wrong.

Unfortunately, it ALL went wrong.
You were being sent on a mission that General Washington had assigned to you, Lt James, Pvt Hammer, and Pvt Bub. As you where getting ready you realized you didn't have enough time to tell America, which made you kind of antsy as you climb into the jeep with the three other soldiers. Noticing 'Babe' you quickly call him over, he smiled at you and ran over "Hey (L/n)! Wheres-" you quickly cut him off "Babe, Could you to tell America I was sent out on a mission and that we'll be back soon. We're leaving in two seconds so I don't have time, could you tell him for me please?" Babe nodded "Alright! Stay safe! And be careful!" He yelled as your jeep backed up.

Waving goodbye to him, your small squad zoomed off.

'Babe' watched as (Y/n) left, the tires of the green jeep making a small dust cloud as It went down the dirt road.
Once out of site he ran to the Countryhuman's Tent.
America's tent was pretty large, it held a huge table that planed the attacks on the Nazi's and crates full of different blue prints and battle strategies.

Opening the flaps that acted as doors to the tent, Babe walked in causing the American to look up at him from behind the strategy table"Hey little dude! Whats going on?" He asked with a friendly smile as he put down the red tack he was holding.
"Afternoon General-" "Just America man, no need to be formal" he laughed.
Babe smiled and nodded "alright, Afternoon America. (L/n) just wanted to let you know that their being sent on a mission and that they'll be back soon. They would have told you themselves but-"
"Wait..." America froze, quickly turning to babe he marched up to him. Grabbing his shoulders out of disbelief. "What type of mission?! Who sent them on it?!" Babe jumped as he felt his shoulders shake.

"U-uh I-I'm not sure, S-sir" he stuttered, becoming scared of this powerful countries growing rage.
"I did" both America and Babe turned to the voice, there stood General Washington, the man from a few weeks ago who showed the new platoon around the American army camp.

"Are. You. INSANE?! WHAT THE HELL WHERE YOU THINKING?!" America yelled, taking long strides over to Washington he grabbed him by the collar, lifting him up into the air so he was eye level to the Country "You better have not sent them on that stealth mission" there was silence for a moment, then the General looked away, confirming that he had.
America felt his blood boil, that mission was suicide. "Washington. I TOLD YOU THAT IT WAS TO DANGEROUS!! And that I didn't want any of my men out there!! Especially (Y/n)!!!" He screamed, His American flagged face seemed to be a darker shade of red.
Washington looked like a terrified dog, he was visibly shaking and looked like he was about to piss himself.

Babe could only watch and would wince every time the American yelled, making a mental note not to get on his bad side.
America dropped General Washington, running over to the other side of the room grabbing his green camo jacket.
Throwing it over his black tank top, the Countryhuman grabbed his Colt 1911 putting it in the back of his pants.

Looking at Babe he pointed to his Thompson gun "pass me my gun" with no hesitation Babe grabbed the gun, passing it over to America.
"Sir what ar-" Washington began to speak, his voice shaky.
America glared at him "I'm not just going to sit around here and let them get killed, General" America then stormed out of the tent, rushing to the closest jeep he could find.

This left Babe and General Washington alone. Taking a few deep breaths Babe rushed over to Washington and starred dead into Washingtons eyes.
"If my friend dies because of this... I'm holding you accountable" Babe said angrily, quickly standing up he too ran out of the tent.

Tucker, Babe and America all went to go find Pvt (L/n), Lt James, Pvt Hammer, and Pvt Bub before it was too late.  Babe had seen Tucker when he was following America to one of the unused jeeps and told him what happened. This caused Tucker to tag along, hoping he could help save his friends.

The drive was silent, all except for the motor. It had been an hour since the argument between America and General Washington.
He seemed even more angry since they had left, he was speeding, grumbling, and down right not caring about pot holes, or hills they came across. As the drove Tucker pointed "Friendly jeep!".
Slowly, America stopped the jeep, his eyes wide as he saw one of HIS platoon jeeps covered in bullet holes and drenched in blood. Nazi corpses laid lifelessly with stab wounds and bullet wounds. Lt James and Pvt Bud laid lifeless around the jeep.

All three men jumped out of the vehicle, running over to their colleagues. Babe ran to the Nazi corpses and checked their pulses, making sure they where dead. While Tucker check the two allied men, America searching  the jeep. "No sign of (L/n) or Hammer" Tucker huffed as he held the cross around his neck, saying a small prayer for the fallen comrades that laid at his feet.

Gritting his teeth, America looked around gun in hand as he looked up and down the empty road. As he did he saw something shinning in the sunlight, a necklace near the middle of the road. Going over to it he noticed it was a dog tag, picking it up he checked the name.
His heart raced as he read (y/n)'s full name, clenching the metal necklace in his hand he couldn't hold back the tears as he saw the blood trail; letting out a sorrow filled scream he fell to his knees.

Babe and Tucker winced, watching as the strong country fell to his knees defeated. All three Knew that (y/n) and Hammer were most likely taken and being tortured for information
or being sent to a concentration camp.
Walking over to America, Tucker put a hand on his shoulder trying to think of something to say to cheer him up but found no words to speak of.

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