Oh god (Germany x Depressed reader)

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⚠️ Trigger warnings! ⚠️
-mention of self-harm and addiction.

Germany knew about your depression. He would help you out as much as he could, but with his work he couldn't be with you all the time.
Everyday he was worried for you. Sadly he felt like he couldn't do anything, and soon, it seemed like his work became more important. He forgot about your mental health. It wasn't his fault...

Everyday you struggled to push the thoughts down. Trying to bottle them up so they wouldn't show. You didn't want to be a bother to your boyfriend.
So when he started to make his work his number one priority, you never told him how you felt.
It seemed pointless to do so.
As time went on, your depression grew worse.
You never wanted to bother anyone, so you would pretend that you were ok. But in reality, you weren't.

You started to self-harm. The feeling of the blade to your skin, and the light pain you felt made everything go away.
Every time you made a cut, or a slash, you would think back to Germany.
You would feel so bad afterwards.

And that didn't make anything better.

You started to take pain medication.
So your body could slip into some sort of numbness, just for a while.
Just so you could finally feel nothing.
It started out as once in a while, but soon it grew to addiction.
Germany started to notice something was wrong. Seeing his lovely partner slowly change over time.
He was scared.

He didn't know what was going on. He tried to help but you were too far gone.

So months later when he came home to a quiet house, he got scared. Calling your name in panic.
When there was no response, he was horrified. Running through the house he tried to find you, he tried to find his darling flower.
Sadly when he did, all he saw was a wilting, unmoving body in the middle of their shared room.

He didn't know what to do. He was frozen. Thoughts ran through his mind like water flooding a town.
Snapping out of his daze he ran to you, dropping to his knees he pulled you into his arms.
Your body was slowly losing warmth. Tears fell from the German's eyes "please, oh god please no... (y/n)? (Y/n)! Please?! Please wake up!!" He yelled, his body shook as he picked you up.
Running downstairs and out the door and to his car, he placed you in the passenger seat.

Hopping into the driver side he slammed the door. Turning on the car he took off like a maniac.

It wasn't long for him to reach the hospital.
Germany had taken you back into his arms and bolted into the white building.
"Please! I need help!!" He yelled.
The lady behind the front desk was startled, but when she saw the slowly paling body laying almost lifelessly in the mans arms. She nearly screamed.

Hitting a button on her desk, she ran over to him "What happened?" She tried to calmly ask. The sounds of doctors running over to them echoed in the short distance.
Germany stumbled over his words trying to form something out of his shaken state.
He only go three words out.

"Please....Help them"

Its been five days since the incident. Germany stayed by your side, and visited you everyday. The doctors found out that the young (h/c), tried to commit suicide by overdosing on pain medication, and that they where lucky to still be alive.

Germany got barely any sleep, and he barely ate as he waited for you to wake up. Italy and Japan would visit him at his house, making sure he got food and that he slept for at least 7 hours.

The German held their loves hand as softly as he could, rubbing his thumb over their knuckles he whispered a prayer. Hoping someone would hear him and bring you back to him.

He continued to pray, until he heard the soft sound of a groan. Looking at his love, he saw them slowly wake up. They squinted at the light as their eyes adjusted to how bright it was.
Turning their head to him, he saw them smile weakly.
"Germany?" Their voice was quiet and scratchy.

They couldn't say another word, thanks to Germany warping his arms around them. Tears fell from his eyes like waterfalls "Oh thank god your awake!! I was so worried!" His german accent made you smile more.
Hugging him back you nuzzled your face into his neck, Taking in his warmth.
You both stayed that away for a while, enjoying each others presents.

Sorry for it being so short!
(Might make changes to it later)

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