Hard Ice (Canada x Injured!Hockey player! Reader)

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Small announcement after this short read!

It was the third period, you and your team were winning by 4 points. There was 20 minutes left when you jumped into play. Canada, America, France, Britain, and a few other countries had come to watch you and your team play; you where excited!

Your skates hit the ice, adrenaline rushed even faster through you as you skated for the puck. As you reached the opposing player, you try and swipe the puck away from him this caused the man to try and pass it to one of his teammates.

Luckily Jackson, number 23, swooped in right when the player try to pass it. Jackson skated so fast to the end of the rink, you skated after him quickly trying to keep up with his pace.

Before you knew it everything was ringing, You didn't know what happened, one moment you where skating; the next on the cold hard ice.
It was hard to breathe. Everything hurt and your vision was spinning. Your teammates and medics surrounded you trying to talk to you. You couldn't hear them very well, it sounded like they where in another room trying to talk to you behind a closed door.
Slowly, you tried to get up wanting to continue to play to impress your friends. But a hand gently placed itself on your padded chest, stopping you from getting up. Looking up you saw the blurry face of Canada, the worried look he had was so clear you could see it through your blurry vision.

As he and everyone looked at you, it was clear you weren't there. "Can.. I ... s-stilp play?" Your speech was slightly off, as you tried your hardest to form words. The paramedics shook their head "Not this time champ" one said as he made sure your head was secured, as he did you began to nod in and out of consciousness.

Canada noticed this, worry began to wash over him as he watched you. As they pulled the stretcher up to you, your where out, Canada nearly lost his cool "They passed out" his voice began to shake as he spoke. The reactions he received didn't help. Quickly and cautiously the paramedics picked you up, moving you onto the stretcher and sprinting across the ice to the ambulance. Canada watched them, two of (y/n)'s teammates grabbed onto the stretcher and pushed it forward to get to the exit faster.  While the others watched in worry.

Taking a deep breathe in Canada comforted the team telling them their rookie was gonna be ok. Or at least, he hoped.


Fun fact about me: I suck at keeping a schedule.

Thank you guys for reading this quick one shot, I wanted to let you all know that I'll be posting 2 new stories soon.
Both of them are related to a game called Team Fortress 2 (TF2). One will be a Xmale!child! Reader, and the other will not be an XReader but a character x character oneshot book.

I also want you guys to know that I'll be posting A LOT of MaleXmale!Readers, and maybe some of my own stories. I do apologize that I cannot keep posting regularly, and also sorry for my crappy writing.

I'm thinking that if I have more stories up, I'll have more energy to post more and more of a variety to choose from (if that makes sense). So please! If you do have any MaleCharacters x Male reader suggestions I'll be glad to hear them!

Thank you all again- Memento Mori

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