Camping Trip (Male!CanadaxFem!Reader)

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Requested by @Pouncingpanther
(Sorry if I got your tag wrong!)
It was a hot summer day, the stereo blasted Country Roads by John Denver, making all three friends sing along. You were one of those friends, turning your head to the opened window of the truck, you smiled. You watched as the world passed by you, your hair fluttered in the wind as the cool breeze hit your face as you sang along.

Turning your attention to the driver, Canada, who was tapping his hands along the steering wheel to the beat of the song. He was wearing dark blue jeans, Timberland's, a white tank-top, his famous flannel shirt and Raccoon hat. A smile never leaving his face.
Smiling even more you looked into the rearview mirror, looking at the American who sang this song with all his heart. He was wearing an American flag tank top with ripped black jeans and runners.

The bright sun made the trees and mountains bright and beautiful, the lakes and Oceans they passed sparkled under the sun.
Their truck was packed with camping gear.

This year for the summer, Canada brung up the idea of going camping with all the countries. Sadly a lot of them already had plans.
America, Russia and (y/n), Canada's crush, agreed to come camping with him. The plan was, Canada got to the camp site first and got everything ready with some help from (y/n) and America. Then once Russia arrived, they could go swimming, then maybe hiking and quading.

"Hey bro? how much longer till we're at the camp?" America asked, as he unbuckled his seat belt and moved into the middle. Leaning his elbows on his knees as he looked at his brother. "America! Put your seatbelt back on!" You scolded, turning so you where facing him.
Canada chuckled "About another hour. Now listen to your mother" he joked.

Sticking his tongue out, America crossed his arms like a child "No! She isn't my real mom!" Letting out a fake hurt gasp you put your hand to your chest.
"Now listen here young man! That is no way to speak to your mother! Apologize this instant, or so help me I'll turn this car around!"

When Canada send those words, you couldn't help but start laughing.
For as long as any of the countries could remember, Canada and (y/n) where definitely the mom and dad friends to America (and a few other countries).
The two of them are like an old married couple, always close together, laying on the couch side by side. They're so cute, but sadly nether of them had the courage to ask each other out.

America, and Russia were going to fix that.
A few days before everyone was going camping, America had contacted Russia, telling him that the both of them had to get Canada and (y/n) together.
It wasn't hard to try and convince Russia, since he liked the idea of the two being together, so he agreed and they formed a plan.

The truck swayed and moved up and down, as they drove on to the dirt road.
(Y/n) grabbed onto the handle that was above her door "So Canada? Once we get there, want me to set up the tents?" She asked.
"Actually, I was hoping that you could get some fire wood" turning his head, he looked at (y/n) for a spilt second then back to the dirt road.
"Me and my brother can set up the tents alright?"

Nodding, (y/n) smiled "alright! I can do that!" Once she said that, Canada stopped the truck in a clearing. Shutting off the truck he turned and looked at (y/n) and America "We're here!" And with that he opened the door and got out.
(Y/n) and America follow right after, stretching, (y/n) took a deep breath in. The smell of fresh pine and clean air flooded her senses.

America took out the tents from the back, and the cooler. Canada grabbed the small grill, three of four lawn chairs and the rain covers for the tents, then followed his brother over where they wanted the tents to be. As those two went to set up camp, (y/n) grabbed the hatchet from the back and hoocked it to her jeans.

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