I'm here for you(Russia x Depressed Reader)

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⚠️ Trigger warning ⚠️
Involves Self harm, and blood

Requested by @littlebobaz
(Short story)

The snow outside fell slowly, the fireplace crackled as the heat wraps around you in comfort. You where laying on the couch in deep thought, A soft blanket rested over top of you. It was heavy, and warm, but you still felt cold.
Russia walked into the living room, A bowl of soup in hand as he walked to the couch you were laying on. Placing it on the coffee table. He sat next to you, a worried expression plastered on his face as he rubbed your shoulder "Are you doing ok?" He asked softy. You shook your head no "why, why do I feel like this?" You questioned, your eye starred into the red and orange flames with hatred and sadness.

Russia had found you self harming in your room, tears streaming down your face as you and him stared at one another in horror. Blood dripping down your arm as your body shook, it took about an hour for him to get close to you.
When he got close enough he took the razor and tossed it, taking you into his arms and held you close. Whispering soft words as he guided you to the washroom, sitting you on the toilet seat. He grabbed the first AID kit and took out Polysporin and gaze. Then grabbing a cloth he soaked it in cold water, and wiped the blood off of your wrist carefully. You wince as the water cleaned the cuts  "I know (y/n), it'll hurt for a few seconds. But everything will be ok, I promise" he said softly as he rubbed the polysporin over all of the injuries. Then finally he wrapped the gaze around your wrist.

That was only a few hours ago, you felt better but, not completely. Slowly sitting up you leaned against him, leaning your head against his shoulder as you take his hand. Looking at the bandages on his wrists.
"Would you like to talk about it?" He asked as he let himself relax and lean against you. Shaking your head no, he hummed "Alright, you can talk to me whenever, ok? I'll away be here for you"
Looking up at him, you smiled softly
"Thank you, Russia. For everything"
Smiling back, he Softly kissed the side of your head.

"I love you (y/n)"
"I love you too, Russia"


Yay my first story is up! Sorry for it being so short. I'll try and make the other ones longer!
I'll post soon!

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