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Mia woke up on Edwards rocky abs, who was awake reading his book that he had been reading during their date. She tried to sit up but didn't want to because his abs were perfect in every way. Instead, she looked up at him, and he looked down from his book, and smiled. She caressed his stomach, which made Edward laugh. 

"Morning sweetheart?", he spoke, his posh English accent was heavy.


"Well, I don't know your name do I?", he acknowledged.

"Shit.", she whispered. "Mia."

"Mia. That is a stunning name for a cute girl."

Mia blushed. Suddenly she realised today was Monday. 

"Edward, what's the time?", she asked, getting up off the bed now. Mia had forgotten that she wasn't dressed and rubbed her arms as she got out of bed. Edward gave her a quick look, and looked at his watch. 

"8:23. Why?"

"It's Monday, you dumb fuck. We have school.", she panicked. Rummaging through her closet for her uniform. She found it, folded neatly in the back corner, and ran out her room and into the bathroom as fast as she could. Edward laughed at her efforts to be early to school. His school started from 9:30 to 3:00 in the afternoon. He still had an hour to get ready, and got up from Mia's bed. 

Edward was in the kitchen, making her breakfast, still shirtless and only dressed his jeans he was wearing during their date, when Mia walked into the room. Her eyes widened at the sight of Edward in the kitchen, 

"Edward, get out. If my sister finds you, she's gonna lose her shit.", she hissed at him. 

He dropped the spoon in the sink before placing it on the table for her. Mia was surprised to see a small stack of pancakes and syrup on a plate and warm tea on the side. She ran to him, and kissed him on the lips before running back and eating her breakfast. 

When she left the house, it was already 9:16. She was late. Edward wearing his shirt and his limo was waiting for him outside her door. Mia smiled at the driver, and ran to her car. As promised, it was home safely. Mia opened the door to her car, but stopped halfway as she heard Edward call her name. 

"Mia! Come here."

"What, Edward I'm gonna be late!"

He ran to her. And handed her a sheet of paper. His number was scribbled on it. She looked up at him and got a pen. Quickly, she wrote her number on his hand and got into her car.

Mia smiled as she drove out of her front yard. In the rear view mirror she could see the limo following just behind her. She was surprised that she was in love with the prince. Mia had thought  she would fall in love with a lowlife, as a teenager, who would make money of of drugs. 

Finally, she arrived at school. The parking lot was empty and no-one was outside. She checked her phone, 9:30. Edward would be at school by now. Rapidly, she locked her car and ran inside the building. To her luck, the front office was closed and she passed through it, and up the stairs. History. That was the subject she had for 1st period. 

Eventually, she got to her classroom but before she came into view, she held herself on the wall, both hands on it, and panted. As she controlled her breath, she opened the door to the class. She was expecting a bundle of questions- most about where she had been and why she was late to class- but her teacher had greeted her with a smile. 

I guess this isn't maths, she told herself.

"Hello Mia. You're a little later but it's okay! Come, sit.", he told her. 

"Thanks sir.", she whispered, as she sat down. No-one turned to look at her, because most were sleeping, bored and not paying attention or on their phones, only two students seemed to want to learn. Mia took her seat at the back and opened her textbook. 


Her phone made a faint noise, luckily her teacher hadn't noticed. She dug it out of her bag and checked what was happening. It was a text message from a number she didn't recognise, but then it hit her. Fleetly, she got the paper Edward gave her and matched every number with the text message. 

Are you at school yet? - Edward wrote.

Yep - Mia replied.

Good, I'll see you after school. - Edward informed her 

Sure, Edward.- Mia told him.

What lesson are you in right now?-  Edward asked.

History- she texted him, before she switched off her phone. 

Mia spent the rest of the lesson talking to the person next to her about sex, and who's was most rough. As she spoke, sometimes she would break to pay attention to the lesson for a few minutes, and she noticed the teacher only kept his eyes on her and bit his lip every time she looked at him. Weird

The bell signalled the end of period 1 and they had a 10 minute transition before their next lesson. As Mia began to pack away her stuff, her history teacher called her up to the front.

"Could you please stay after the lesson? I need you to help me with something.", he asked, smirking at her.

"Sure.", she said.

Everyone had filed out of the classroom. The teacher went to the door and locked it, and pulled the covers down. 

"What are you doing sir?", she asked, slightly panicked.

"You're very beautiful today."

Mia didn't know how to respond to that. 

"I'm gonna fuck you. I don't care if you want it or not!", he said, pulling down his trousers and boxers. 

Mia ran to the corner of the class, now afraid what was going to happen. As he approached her, she screamed as loud as she could. 

"There's no point. I've locked the door and these walls are soundproof.", he spoke as he grabbed her hair aggressively with his hands. She screamed and tried to wiggle out of his grip. Mia held his hands and tried to pull them off, but it was no use he was stronger than her. He got out a knife from his pocket and cut off pieces of her luscious brown hair. Strands were all over the floor when he was done. He hadn't cut off all her hair but it was quite a lot. Mia screamed as he tied her hands and legs together. He hushed her but she continued screaming.

"THAT'S IT!!!", he shouted, as he stuffed the pieces of her cut her down her mouth. Mia began to gag and choke, and struggled to breath.

"STOPPPPP!! NOOO!!", she screamed, but they were extremely muffled. 

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