Are you lost?

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Mia jumped into her car and drove off without a second thought. She knew driving four hours away from her new home would be a huge risk but if she got to see Edward it was worth it all. Driving as quickly as she could, Mia realised she had already ended up on the highway and she was making good progress. 

The roads were full and trees covered every square inch of the side ditches. Oak and spruce. Mia gripped the steering wheel tightly as she began to drive through unknown roads. The streets became darker and so did the sky. It wasn't long before the darkness of the roads had made it's way through into the sky, making it night time. Quickly- even though it was illegal- she whipped her phone out and turned on Google Maps. When she couldn't successfully unlock her phone she decided to pull up on the shoulder of the highway and stop for a moment. It was dangerous to leave the car like that, especially in the night, but she needed to get to London correctly. This was all for Edward at the end of the day. 

Mia tried to catch her breath as she began to panic. She remembered she'd stolen her mothers cigarettes before both her parents left for a business trip, well she now was starting to think it wasn't. She grabbed her bag and took out the cigarettes and lighter. Mia took a deep breath and sucked in all the smoke, and breathed it out... relaxed and calm. (Just so everybody knows I am 100% not condoning smoking, this is just a Wattpad book and yeah. Don't smoke. Thanks :) ) She took another puff, and checked the maps. Mia looked around for a sign on the road, what was this road called? Mia walked down the highway but there wasn't anything. All of a sudden she got a notification and it told her where she was. She remembered that Google Maps automatically puts on her location when she opens the app. Mia smiled and started to map out her way. The robotic voice began talking and Mia quickly opened the door to her car and drove off. Mia frequently took puffs of the cigarettes when the voice was quiet. She didn't care if she was underaged, she'd done of a lot of illegal things. Ever since she met Edward all the bad seemed to be washed away, he was an angel sent from heaven. 

Mia's eyes began to feel heavy and she wanted  to close them but she forced them open. At the end of the highway, she spotted a motel on the side and she drove towards it, she would get a nice rest before she heads out again in the morning. Mia parked her car in the front, and made sure every door was closed properly and locked tight. You can never trust these kind of places. She walked inside the building, the door creaking at her presence. Inside a tiny woman, with long blonde hair sat at the desk smoking a cigarette and typing away at the computer in front of her. On the side of the door, two men sat talking to each other on red couches drinking what seemed to be booze and on the other side was the hallway to the rooms. Mia coughed loudly to get the lady's attention at the front desk and she looked up, attitude in her eyes. 

"Yes?", she asked rudely.

"I want to book a room, please.", she asked, as politely as she could.

"Ok...for how long?", she asked, sucking on her cigarette.

"Just until the morning."

"Sure.", the lady said handing her a key. "First door on the right, on the second... no ground floor.", she smiled evilly.

Mia grabbed the key of the lady aggressively and walked to her room. In the rooms, as she passed, she could hear screaming, music or moaning coming from it. One of the doors opened and a girl- half naked and drunk-  looked at Mia. A prostitute, she told herself. Mia gave her a smile, which was a bad idea because she dragged her inside the room. Instant panic went through her.
The room reeked of alcohol, drugs and sex. The lady held her hand as she dragged her through the messy room. On the couch she could see two gorgeous brunettes having sex with a man, and people kissed in the corners of the room whilst some sat around drinking and smoking drugs. The prostitute bit her lip when she looked at Mia and finally led her to a bedroom. Mia instantly tried to get out before it was too late but the lady hadn't let her through. On her arm she stared at the tattoos, her arm filled with them, but it wasn't just her arm it was her whole body, right up to her neck. The lady's short red hair was tied up in a bun and she looked as pretty as Mia. In front of her, a tall man with the same tattoo on his neck, and that seemed to be the only one he had, got up. His hair was gelled and reached up to his shoulder. It was a beautiful shade of gold and it shined against the bright sickly glow the light above the bed lit. 

A smile spread across his face, he looked sober. There wasn't a slight hint of being drunk or high. 

"Here.", the lady said, throwing Mia in front of her. The man looked handsome but Mia would rather be with Edward. Suddenly, she remembered why she was here, and she fell to the floor. It seemed she was too tired and fainted. The whole world spun in an unnatural way and finally darkness consumed her eyesight. 

Mia woke up on someone's chest, she lifted her head and she was still in the same room she was in before. She turned to look behind her and the man from last night was there, asleep. Mia tried her best to get up unnoticed but a sudden moan escaped from her lips. She realised that the man's dick was up her and the prostitute was siccoring her. She felt the man wake up, his glare right at her eyes. He smiled at her.

He helped her off the bed and let her go. Mia was confused about the whole ordeal but she stumbled to her room anyway. She had to get out of their quickly. Mia unlocked the door to her room for the first time and the bright shining of the morning blinded her. The room was no different to the one she had spent the night it. She checked her phone, 8:34. Mia ran into the shower. She was already naked and her clothes were left lying on the floor by the sink. As fast as she could, she hurried to take her shower making sure to clean every part of her body. Finally, she'd finished and was out.
Mia wrapped a towel around her, and unlocked the door to the bathroom. She sat down on the corner of the bed and sighed. It had been a long journey . There was only two hours left and then she would've arrived in London. Mia took out the case on her phone and a two pieces of paper fell out. She smiled gratefully, and unfolded the first one. It was crumpled up but the paper was still neat in her palms. The paper was the first ever paper Edward had sent to her.  

Hey, I don't really know your name but I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to go somewhere together? Anyway, come to the Coffee Lounge- yes, the expensive one- at 3:00PM?

Thank you, Waitress girl.

Meet me there.

A tear ran down her cheek, she hadn't realised how long ago that was. And unfolded the other one. It was a picture of her and Edward, kissing in the sun lit park. The grass around them reached up to their shoulders and the sunflowers were grown to perfection. Where they sat, the grass had laid down. They looked beautiful together. Mia wiped the tears of her face, and placed the papers down on her bed gently before getting dressed. 

She snatched the picture and note of her bed and placed it back behind her case. She checked that she hadn't left anything and left the room. Mia gave the keys back to the lady and left. But she wasn't done there, as Mia opened the door she shouted,

"Hey, bitch!", the lady at the front desk looked up. She looked offended but Mia didn't care, she gave her the middle finger and ran out the door, laughing to herself. She sighed, wishing Edward was here. There was no point in wishing, and she quickly got in her car and drove back to the highway. 

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