"I now pronounce you husband and wife!"

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*Time skips* 9 years later

Mia's long, wedding dress was stunning, sequens were everywhere giving her dress a shine. Edward wore a typical tuxedo, and his best man was of course one of Edward's friends that Mia had met before they got engaged two years ago. Mia turned to look at Edward's face, she could see how nervous he was and giggled to herself. The officiator kept speaking and finally it was time.
"Mia Howard Kennedy, do you take Edward Alexandra Mary Windsor, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
Without hesitation she agreed, "I do."
He turned to Edward now, who was shaking. Mia held his hand and he looked at her and instantly relaxed.
"Edwars Alexandra Mary Windsor, do you take Mia Howard Kennedy to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
There was a long silence in the room before he answered, "Of course I do.", he smiled and before the officiator could say another word Edward scooped his new wife up and carried her outside. The audience followed and caught the couple making out by the cake.
When they noticed people were staring they broke free of the kiss and Edward threw his arms up in the air, "WHO WANTS CAKE?!"
Everyone piled up and watched the new married couple slice the cake. Edward took a piece of cake on his fork, and Mia took a piece of cake on her fork and fed each other. Everyone laughed and Mia fell on the floor, laughing so much.
Edward scooped her back up and kissed her forehead before placing her on a chair to finish her cake and wine and fed the cake-hungry crowd.

Edward soon met up with Mia with another slice of cake. They danced,laughed and drank the night away.

When the crowd were slow dancing for the 10th time that day, Mia and Edward managed to escape into the woods behind the church. They knew exactly what they were doing.
They kissed, Edward's tongue managed to get passed her lips and into her mouth, and Mia intertwined their tongues. Mia laughed and pressed Edward's head closer. His lavender scent was irresistible and was always the same since they were 18.

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