"She died naturally..."

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Edward ran to his bedroom, and slammed the door shut. It echoed around the whole house, and made everyone jump, except his mother. Edward ran to his bed and threw himself onto it. 

"FUCKING BITCH!", he shouted, but it was muffled by his pillow.

Then Edward remembered... what his plan was. And how he was going to complete it. He smiled, he knew no regret would come to him because he hated his mother with so much passion. 

He waited until nightfall. He decided to eat dinner in his room. He watched the clock intently, and waited for the ticking seconds to reach 10PM. That's when he would do it. 

9:59PM. That's when the nervousness began to build. He swallowed the lump forming in his throat and opened the door. He walked down the hallway and into the lift, which was on his floor already. He went down to the floor where his parents slept. The faint ding of the lift made him jump, and sweat began to drip from his forehead. He walked slowly down the hallway and at the end of it, he stared at the huge door of his parents bedroom. He knew he only had 10 minutes to get this done because his father would come out of the bathroom. Edward pulled the handle down and opened the door. He looked cautiously behind him before he entered the room. The room was dark but it was bright enough for him to see and absolutely ginormous, his room did not compare to the size of it, but then he thought to himself, they only spend the night in the room and don't enter it during the day, why does it need to be so big? He shook his head, no time for thinking. Only 8 minutes and he hadn't even done anything. 

He walked toward their bed, and stared at his mother sleeping peacefully. He growled silently, at the sight of her. He pursed his lips tightly and grabbed his fathers pillow. He stared at his mother and back at the pillow, thinking about his decision. Edward shook his head, and covered the queen's face with it. As soon as he did, she woke up, her eyes wide with shock. He looked at her eyes, she looked at Edward and screamed, but there was no point. Her screams were muffled by the pillow. 

For some reason, this reminded him of the time Mia's History teacher had tried to rape her. He pressed the pillow stronger on her face. 

The screams stopped, her eyes were shut and she breathed no more. Edward breathed heavily, and looked at his watch 2 minutes. He threw the pillow back on his fathers side, and stared at his mother's dead body. Edward really didn't feel any regret and walked out of the room, making sure to leave everything in it's normal place. He strolled back to the lift, and sure enough, when the door opened, his father opened the door to the bathroom. Edward hurriedly rushed inside the lift and went back to his room. He snuggled himself in his blanket, and fell asleep. 

He dreamt about Mia.


Edward woke up to the deafening noises of ambulance sirens and police sirens. As soon as he did, someone came knocking on his door. 

"Come in.", he  grumbled, rubbing his eyes from sleep. A police officer walked inside, followed by his father. His heart began to thud, was he going to be caught? "W-what's happened? Why are there sirens and...", he trailed off when he saw his fathers face.

It was dark and sad. 

"Hello, sorry to wake you Prince Edward, but I'm Neil. Neil Adel I'm sorry to inform you but you're mother, the queen, has... passed.", he held his head down, Edward swore he saw a tear escape from the officer's eyes. "I just want to let you know... if you feel upset or want to talk, I'm right here."

"Urrrr may I interrupt. Edward... he never had a good relationship with his mother.", he could hear his voice break whilst he spoke. Edward narrowed his eyes at his father.

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