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Edward sat in his room, scrolling through messages and texts. He put his phone down and went back to his computer. Edward had locked the door to his bedroom and decided to scroll through naughty websites to find out how he could get better at sex. He had been confused before but he enjoyed it, and he wanted to know everything about it. From positions and sex words.       Edward was scrolling through when a thought went into his mind. How could he even do any of the things he was learning because his love wasn't with him. 

He looked upset. Turning his head towards the window, he contemplated if he should go out and find her. What if she had already found someone new? Or what if she'd forgotten about him? Something in his heart told him that none of the questions were true and there was no way she would forget Edward. 

He turned off his computer and unlocked the door. He ran down the stairs because he wasn't bothered to wait for the lift and went out the back door sneakily. He knew it would still let him out of the house. He ran and ran until he couldn't no more. He loved Mia and he was going to find her at no cost. 


Mia sat on a box, munching on a sandwich and was scrolling on her phone. It took her a while but she managed to get her appetite back and she finally was eating properly. But despite her efforts to forget she still thought about Edward and she had gotten more sick because of it. As she scrolled she stumbled  upon a picture of Edward and her kissing on her camera roll. She wanted to cry but she swallowed  it back and stared at his face. Mia thought about the time they took this photo, and she giggled slightly. Mia missed him very much, to the point where if she even remembered him she would cry hysterically. 

Down the hall she could hear her sister moaning once again. It reminded her of the time she and... Edward had sex for the first time and how he was incoherent about it the whole time. Mia's heart began to thud in her chest as she turned to look at the window in her bedroom and considered if she should go and look for Edward.

Mia smiled,

"Fuck that shit.", she whispered getting up.

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