Unfolded secrets

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The door struggled to open, and he pushed the door open with his shoulder. It swung open and made a loud BANG as it hit the wall and un-hooked from the wall. All the anger that had been boiling up inside of him exploded in him, as he took in the sight in front of him. Her History teachers dick was inside of her pussy, and he could see the hair gag in her mouth. Quickly, he threw off his red blazer and jumper, revealing his white button up shirt and black jeans he seemed to always wear.

He balled his fists up in a ball, and ran to the teacher, who stared at Edward as he approached him. Giving him a blow to the head, Mia's History teacher fell to the floor, blood beginning to seep from the side of his head. Another one came quickly, charging straight for the middle of his face. As the teacher was on the floor, Edward took the opportunity and wrapped his legs around the teacher trunk of the body and grabbed his head, banging it on the floor, once, twice, three times, before giving him another punch to his face. 

Blood flowed around his face, falling to the sides and carpet. Luckily, he was dragged away by his bodyguard, who had somehow found his way here, and was set aside. He would've killed him if he'd left him to give the teacher one more blow to the head. Edward struggled to break free of his bodyguard's grip, as he wanted to go in for more, and more. Until he was just beating up a dead body. No-one, not even his mother when they had their arguments, which were about particularly small things, saw this side of Edward. Nobody had, not even himself. 

This surprised Edward after he calmed down. When his guard noticed he had become stable and let him go. Instantly, he fell to his knees and crawled to the corner of the room, where Mia was being aided by a paramedic, who was slowly taking out chunks of her hair out of her mouth. 

"EDWAAAARRRRDD!", a voice boomed from the doors, it was a voice he instantly recognised. His mother...

"Yes, mother?!", he screamed back, rolling his eyes, annoyed at her presence. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL, YOUNG MAN?", she said, giving the girl sitting next to him a quick glance, and stared at his hand around her shoulder. When he noticed she was looking, he took it off. 

"S-some-someone w-was in t-trouble...trouble.", he mumbled. 

"Pardon?!", she said, going towards him. "THAT IS NO EXCUSE FOR YOU TO BE OUT OF SCHOOL. AND WHO IS THAT?", she asked him, in complete disgust. He knew his mother hated being inside here, and it wouldn't be long before they would be outside.

"None of your business!", he screamed at her, not giving any fucks.

They heard a scatter of gasps come from the crowd they'd created when Edward first came into the school. In the back somewhere, he could hear someone say, how could he talk to his ma like that, man, if i said shit like that to 'er i'd be fuckin' dead.

The queen, when to the door, and slammed it shut. The paramedic turned to watch the scene, and so did the police officers. Blood was still dripping from his hands, and she noticed it.

"Why is there blood on your hand?", she asked, turning her glance towards the teacher being dragged away like a dead corpse. "OH MY!", she gasped.

"What is it, now?", he asked folding his arms, not caring if he smeared the blood over his newly cleaned and pressed shirt. 

"THAT IS IT!", she said, grabbing his ear and dragging him to her. She signalled to his bodyguard to carry him outside. Edward grabbed his mothers hand and twisted it, giving her a neat and well-practised Chinese burn. The queen screamed in pain, and Edward's guard quickly swooped him up and carried him out the door, but this time, Edward tried to fight his guard. 

It wasn't long before he was strapped inside the car, unable to move. 

Mia's hair was now out of her mouth, and she was put on a stretcher. The queen indicated to the paramedic to stop and she spoke to Mia. 

"You stay away from my son, do you hear? You're just filth and I certainly do not want him falling in deeper in love with you!", she told her, before leaving the room. The crowd all turned to look at the queen who walked out the building and into the car that Edward was in, although, she sat at the top end of the limo whilst he sat at the back. 

Edward sat in his seat, staring out the window. The silence in the car was the loudest thing to him, how he longed to have the silenced filled by Mia's voice. Instead, someone else broke it.

"How did you meet her in the first place, hm?", she asked, half-whispering.

Edward turned to look at her. Her face was still angry but quite calm. Edward stared at her with an emotionless expression and cut his eyes at her, before turning back to the window. He heard his mother sigh. 

Finally, they had arrived at home. Edward didn't waste anytime opening the door, before the care stopped, and into their palace. Quickly, he pressed the lift to come down. Unfortunately, the lift was all the way at the top floor and it took a while to come down. In the distance, he could hear the door open and shut, Edward swore (yes, this is the second time, in his whole life, mind-you, that he has swore) under his breath and pressed the buttons frantically. It was too late, his mum had already came in to the hallway, where Edward was standing. He didn't look at her, and instead looked up at the elevator which was still 3 floor up. 

"You don't know any of them, sweetheart! Commoners, like that girl, are disgusting and live-in filth!", she told him placing her hand on his shoulder.

Anger began to boil up inside him once again, "You don't understand mother! Mia is a sweet, beautiful girl!"

The queen smirked, "So... Mia is her name", she said slowly.  

Edward turned to look at her, his face full of pure horror and his eyes of pure hatred. He hated his mother, to the T. "Why are you so attached to her like this. SHE IS A COMMONER!", she shouted at the end. 


"Don't talk to me like that. How did you know what was going on. Huh? How did you MEET HER?!", her voice was raised so loudly, that it echoed around their home. He wished this wasn't though. Yes, it might be a palace and have more than 100 rooms but all he wanted to be was with Mia. It hurt to even think of her name, and every time he did flashbacks of the last 3 hours flashed in his mind. He shook his head and stared blankly at his mother until the lift approached with a quiet ding! and he went in. The queen didn't bother anymore and instead let him go, and walked to the main room, where he could hear (even from the lift) her shouting at the kitchen staff to grab her two bottles of the finest wine. Edward had tried the wine before, he didn't understand what was so great about it. To him, it seemed like water was the best option although he'd heard beer was great. Maybe he would try it, even though he was underaged, with Mia one day. 

Finally, the door opened of the lift and Edward walked inside his room. 

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