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Alexander's POV

My ears are ringing.

I'm in the verge of fainting caused by exhaustion.

This war has happened for five days already. Right now, my advanced smelling not helping, as it bring more torture. Dead bodies, mostly mutilated, from fresh to rotten are sprawled on the clearing, bringing up the foul odor. The grass that originally fresh and green, now mostly black, covered by the dried blood, from both human and werewolf kind.

The beauty of spring season that should be magnificent in the golden hour before sunset, was turned to hell on earth.

Before my eyes, they are still in the middle of the war. Wolves against human.

A wolf running to the middle of the clearance, then stopped and stood proud. Majestic, with the silver fur that longer than any other wolves's swayed by the wind.

She is my mate. My love. Who is now nudge a dying silver wolf by his face, a huge wolf as big as a horse with the same appearance as her, Alastair, her twin brother.

She howled sadly to the sky, mourning our loss.

She shift into her human form, in her naked glory. Her long raven hair is as messy as lion's mane, bringing out her fierce look.

She look at me, a droplet of tear gliding from her eye to her cheek, down to her chin, and finally dripping to the ground. We are about a yard apart. I watch as her beautiful lips forming a sentence.

'I love you. I'm sorry. See you in afterlife, Mate.'

And I realize what she about to do. I scream from the top of my lungs, "No, Acacia!" but it was too late.

I watch as she mumbled something I fail to understand, then her eyes glowing white as dark clouds forming in the sky, thunder exploding one after another as the color of the sky turned from orange to dark grey, then lightening bolts jolting, followed by their piercing bolt sound, frying all of the remain human fighter.

We won.

My mate collapsed to the ground. Lifeless. That's when I felt the pain of our severing bond. My heart felt like it was crushed by an invisible force, the pain spread trough my body until the tip of my fingers and toes. I heard the shrieking voice that later I recognize as my own. Then everything went dark.

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