Trespassers P.1

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Peter's POV
The day started off as any other. Wind whipping past my masked face. The streets of New York bustling below me. And Karen updating me on todays schedule

"School begins at 8:45am. The time is currently 8:30am and you are 25 minutes away. You are going to be late to School Peter" God, she sounded like a mother scolding me for not cleaning my room. Then her words sank in and I groaned. I hated being late for school, like HATED it. But it is what it is, right?
The constant Beeping of car horns began to irritate me as my Spidey sense alerted me to nearby danger

"Sorry, Karen. Gotta make a quick detour!" I apoligized changing my route. I swear I heard her sigh

"Peter this is consecutively the, 23rd day you've been late" I grimaced, was it really that many? I swung past a massive billboard advertising my school and wondered why they hadn't punished me for my tardiness yet. Probably my grades, I'm not even there half the time and still get better marks than pretty much everyone in my class

"Yeah, well. I'm already late so what's a few more minutes?" My Spidey sense increased and I landed on a nearby lampost, webbing my backpack to it. Infront of me something that resembled a drug deal was taking place. I counted ten bad guys, five in the middle disscussing whatever criminals talk about and five around the perimeter, keeping gaurd. Whatever this was, it was serious. I listened in, hoping to gain some information without announcing my presence

"Boss said he wanted the shipment by tomorrow. When the guy on top doesn't get what he wants?.......Let's just say, you better be on time" One of the guys in the middle stepped forward trying to intimidate a man who was much larger than himself

"Sorry, but you're definately gonna be alot late for that meeting!" I jumped in webbing up two thugs before they even processed I was there. They looked shocked for a second and I simply raised my eyebrow, my mask's lense moving appropiatley. That miniscule of movent sent them into action, the two that had been disscussing the deal sprinting to the nearest car. They shoved at eachother on the way giving me time to web their doors shut before turning to face the other six. They all rushed forward pushing past eachother to get to me. I simply flipped over the first guy to reach me, effectively webbing him to the ground and landing gracefully on my feet behind him

"Come on guys, don't fight. There's enough of me to go around!" I quipped dodging another melee attack, webbing the guys hands and throwing him into the car that was still trying to be pryed open. Four down, six to go.

"Use your guns, Idiots! just like target practice!" Someone in the back shouted. As if just realising they had them, all the men pulled out their guns and began to fire. Standing still I only had to dodge two bullets, the rest were terrible shots

"Geeze, I'd hate to see you at target practice. Guys, I'm standing still!" This seemed to get on one of the main guys nerves

"Shut up!" He screamed, discarding his gun on the ground and advancing on me. I took the first punch to my stomach to let him think he had a chance, I was winded for a second as I dodged his second attack by ducking to the left. That seemed to piss him off even more and he snarled throwing a sloppy punch right at my face. I caught his fist and flipped him, webbing him in place. The others still hadn't landed a single shot and I wanted to laugh at how terrible these criminals were. Not the time, Peter, Not. The. Time. My Spidey sense went off telling me to duck and just as I did a foot went soaring past above my face. Doing a simple back-bend I struck out at the man behind me, knocking him out cold

"Man, this is akward. But Do you think we could wrap this up? I have somewhere I need to be?" I questioned jokingly, gaining the desired effect as two guys ran at me. They attacked in sync, something I wasn't expecting. The first going for my face, which I easily avoided, the second for my legs. I fell to the ground not wasting a second, the two guys thinking that they had the advantage let their gaurds down for a second. Sending two webs, one at each of them, I pulled down hard and cringed at the sound of them hitting the ground. Using the momentum I leapt back onto my feet and even though they were both unconcious webbed them, just for good measure.

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