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It's no secret that I'm dark and damaged. Twisted and traumatized. I'd accepted that. Hell, I've even welcomed it. I let my past define me.

While I'm not exactly proud of it, it's the only thing that's helped me cope.

But what could I do to make things right? What would I do?

We're all hiding something, aren't we? I shouldn't feel alone in that. We've all made mistakes. Mine was settled, at least for now.

Elijah still wasn't talking to me. I still wasn't talking to him.

He had this compulsive need to be smarter than everyone else, the stubborn ass. What I didn't understand was how he couldn't see it this time.

I had a feeling I knew why his attitude about everything was changing, but for once I didn't want to be right.

He got defensive whenever I brought Mason up, even if I didn't mean the words in a judgy way.

I thought he regretted his choice to get back with him. Maybe it would reflect badly on himself, forgiving a cheater?

I was starting to miss the early days of our friendship. We could tease each other without all the snarky comments. Almost all my favorite memories of us included Molly. Their banter was the best.

On a Saturday night over two years ago, we were all sitting on my balcony.

As I sipped the crisp liquid from my RedBull can, I heard footsteps coming down the fire escape.

"Everything alright?" Molly asked the two strangers.

The one who replied was a tall guy, about five, ten. His shaggy dark blond hair was a nice contrast to his light brown eyes.

With him was a girl who looked vaguely familiar. I'd probably seen her at the mailbox downstairs or something. She had piercing blue eyes and beautiful blood-red hair that nearly reached her waist in waves. They both looked to be around their early twenties.

"Yeah, yeah. We just got stuck on the roof." The man chuckled in embarrassment. His eyes landed on me and widened. I looked away, slightly uncomfortable by the reaction.

"I'm pretty sure it's a long drop to the ground, so you can go through here if you want," Elijah offered, his gaze traveling down his body. I fought the urge to scoff at my friend. He was such a flirt.

The guy leaned over the railing to check. "I guess it is. We'd appreciate that, thank you."

Elijah stood and gestured for them to follow him back through our apartment.

"I'm Elijah. Do you live in this building?"

"No, just visiting my sister. I'm Matt. This is Candice..."

Their voices faded and after a minute, I let out a laugh.

"What?" Molly asked.

"Did you see the way Elijah was looking at that dude?"

She cocked her head at me. "Isn't he still with Mason?"

"Last time I checked. What a whore."

"Who's a whore?" Eli demanded.

"You." Moll giggled.

He shrugged. "Takes one to know one."

"Did you get his number while you were at it?"

"No." He pouted. "He didn't take the hint at all. Probably straight."

Social Suicide (Texting Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now