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I awoke with a splitting headache, and groaned when my eyes met the bright morning sun.

I didn’t remember how I got home.

Maybe a cab? I don’t think I would’ve called Elijah. I was in no mood to deal with anyone last night.

Rolling out of bed, the last thing I recalled was ordering my fourth bourbon.

My phone told me it was almost eleven and I had six unread text messages.

Eli: Hope you’re not wrapped around a tree

Eli: Since you didn’t drag your ass to school, I’m coming over at one

Molls: Elijah called me. Let me know if you want me home

H: Good morning

H: I hope you’re okay

Eli: Last class is cancelled so I’ll be there at noon

My eyes rolled instinctively before replying to Elijah.

Noelle: Don’t bother. Meet me at Subway

I stopped at Dunkin’ Donuts to get a coffee on my way there.

After ordering my usual and sitting at a table in the back, my chin rested on my palm while my eyes were shut.

“Hey, Avery,” a deep British voice greeted.

I didn’t move. “Styles.” I felt the bench move as he sat next to me.

“Sorry I didn’t leave a note or something before I left. I had to rush to practice.”

My eyes snapped open. “Before you what?”

He didn’t answer right away, and I turned to face him. His was clearly confused. “Before I left your flat.”

“You were at my place last night?” Did Harry take me home? He spent the night?

Why don’t I remember this at all?

“Yeah. I drove you home from River Room.” He paused to chuckle. “You must’ve been really smashed if you can’t remember.”

I gave him a blank stare. “Did, um... Did we...?”

He smiled. “No. We just slept.”

I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. “Did I thank you for taking me home?” I wondered halfheartedly.

“You did.”

“Good. What are you doing here?”

“Lunch with some lads from the team.” He nodded behind him and I followed his gaze.

I noticed Matt first, and my mouth ran dry. I turned back around before seeing who else was there.

That gave me an idea.

“Hey, how many guys on your team have a name that start with the letter H?” I asked him.

He looked down, thinking. “Four, including myself. Why?”

I shrugged. “No reason.”

So I had four possible suspects on my mysterious stalker.

I pulled out my phone.

Harry stood up. “I should get back. You’re coming to the party this weekend, yeah?”

“Don’t I always?” I retorted without looking up.

Social Suicide (Texting Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now