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“I’m ditching school today,” Harry informed me, sitting on the edge of the bed and putting his shoes on. I was fishing in my closet.


“The whole team is. We’re throwing a party tonight instead of this weekend. For Halloween.”


He grinned at my sudden excitement. “You’re coming, right?”

I scoffed. “I’d never miss a Halloween party.”

“Good. Wouldn’t be the same without you there.”

“Wait. If you’re not going to school, why are you putting your shoes on? It’s only seven.”

He stood up, brushing off the front of his jeans. “I have an extra shift at the hospital to pay for the band I hired.”

I felt my stare go blank. “You have a what?”

He chuckled. “I’m pre-med.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“Well, now you do.” He gave me a peck on my lips. I was still stunned by the new information. “Have a good day at school. I’ll pick you up at eight tonight. Dress up.”

When I parked in my usual spot in front of the fourth building, Elijah was waiting for me on a bench nearby.

“Hey. You didn’t call.”

“Sorry, hypocrite,” he teased.

I rolled my eyes and rephrased. “How did it go with Mason?”

“I think...”

I waited patiently.

“I think I’m gonna forgive him. You might’ve... You might’ve been right,” he choked out.

I stopped walking. He’s never said that to me before.

“Are you drunk?” I wondered honestly.




I shrugged. “What exactly was it that I was right about?”

“That he’s never hurt me before. I was happier than I ever had been with him… Blah, blah, blah. Garbage like that.”

I humphed. “Well, good. I’m happy for you.”

He opened the door to our Communications class for me and I thanked him.

“So, what’s Harry like in bed?” Eli suddenly asked as we sat in our seat, causing me to spew my coffee all over the desk.

What?!” I coughed.

“Molly told me. Said to expect an improvement in your attitude. He’s that good, huh?” He smirked.

“None of your business.” I left to get wet paper towels from the bathroom next door so I could clean up my caffeine mess when my phone buzzed.

H: Hey, beautiful

I sighed.

Noelle: Hi

H: I talked to Harry yesterday

Noelle: Oh?

H: I’m glad things are going well for you two

Noelle: Thanks. I am, too

Social Suicide (Texting Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now