meeting underswap(part 1

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Chara POV

"Hey ink were ready!" Y/N yelled into the forest with you at his side, not really believing him "Y/N I don't think this 'ink' person is real" "r u sure about that?" "AAAAHHHH"


"Well believe it or not classic chara I'm here" ink pops out of the woods, happy as ever "oh-...sorry bout that" "it's alright so I've made a list of AU's you may be interested in, it goes underfell, littletale, dancetale, and underswap" "hmm underswap sounds interesting, right Y/N?" "Yea it does we'll go to underswap, if that's ok" he said kinda apologizing for kinda sounding like he was demanding "it's alright, underswap is my personal favorite anyway" *ink spats paint on the ground and jumps in* "did he just-" before you could finish, Y/N was already jumping in "oh well, how bad could this be?" Chara hops in and as she falls, Y/N catch you "hey ink this isn't snowdin, or the underground-" "that's right, in this timeline, chara was able to brake the barrier, and it may confuse you so let me explain, underswap is basically just your AU, but the personalitys are swapped, for example, here chara takes the role of frisk, and frisk takes the role if chara" "well let's go Y/N-" no one noticed but he was already down the mountain, and into the small town that was at the base of the mountain


So this is underswap, I had leaned against a tree at the end of ink's explanation of underswap as you...fell through the tree and appeared in the town? It seems like you could access sans' shortcuts in this AU, well papyrus' shortcuts. So while you waited on chara and ink to come down you decided to explore the town, after awhile, you stumbled upon swap!chara and papyrus moving some boxes. You decided to walk up to them and help. "Hey uh I'm guessing papyrus and chara do you mind if I help? You seem like you got it but u figured I could help." *chara shook her head as papyrus seemed to study you fir a second before handing you a box of what seemed like tacos* "well human what's your name?" "Oh I'm Y/N nice to meet you" you smile as papyrus studies you, walking into undyne "oof sorry undyne" *undyne smiles calmly but shyly at papyrus* "it's fine papyrus, no need to-" *she stops as she sees you and hide behind papyrus* "p-papyrus this is a n-never human" *you wave calmly at undyne as you continue to move the box you were carrying, asking chara where were moving them to. Chara points at a small 2 story house as an overly excited sans runs through the road that you were walking on and grabs one of the boxes chara was carrying before running to the house like it was nothing* "wow he's excited" *chara giggled and in sign language said* "his favorite food is tacos" "ah that makes sense well I'm gonna take this box and go talk to papyrus and the other monster that was with him bye wait I never did get your name" "its chara" "y'know hes nice" *a ghostly figure of what looked like frisk appeared beside chara* "thanks for them compliment, and no no one can see you I just can cya girls" you said leaving a shocked chara and frisk. You took the boxes to the house and set them down in the kitchen with the rest when someone came in "oh hey Y/N I heard from chara you could see frisk, how? And dont play dumb with me, I know your not from this AU" you turned around to see a very serious papyrus, with a cigarette in his mouth "well your smart arnt you? Fine you got me, I'm not from this AU, I'm with ink and my chara, but papyrus, I'm honestly not sure how I could see frisk, but I can do this not sure how tho" *a F/C aura surrounded papyrus as he gently floats into the air, leaving him shocked as you set him back down* "you have sans magic..." ink walked in while you were holding papyrus in the air and he was shocked "h-how do you have s-sans magic?" *papyrus and you jumped when you heard ink* "oh ink how ya been? It's been awhile" it seemed papyrus knew ink as well "oh um ink? Y/N can see frisk, like only me and chara are supposed to be able to but he can to"

A/N I'm sorry for this being cut off all of a sudden but this next chapter is about to be a big one, along with a possible corrupted Y/N o.0 guess you'll have to see next time by stay determined and FRISK GIMME BACK MY CHOCOLATE >:/

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