underswap(part 3

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¨Ink who was that?¨ ¨...that would have been Error, destroyer of the AUs, but what was he doing here?¨ *Ink ran off to think about what may have brought Error to swap* ¨Hey kid...¨ *swap paps ran from the now broken house* ¨thank you, idk what I could have done to stop him, you've earned my respect.¨ ¨Heh, thanks I appreciate it, but are the Chara's and Frisk ok?¨ ¨yea they'll be fine, Asgore healed them, they'll be up in about an hour or so.¨ ¨Thank you paps.¨ ¨Least we could do, after all you did just save our hides¨ ¨Heh true, but i dont think thats the last we'll be hearing of Error, he must have came here for more then DETERMINATION...¨ ¨so what your saying is that our AU might not be safe anymore?¨ ¨Im afraid so...¨ *you feel something on your arm and lower back*

HP= 21/100

"ow" *you drop to the ground after your HP drops* "Y/N? what is it?" "I dont feel to good" *your eyes feel heavy and the world goes dark, the last thing you see is  your Chara run to you before the world goes dark. You get a glimpse of 2 black figures in a void-like space. One had a crack along its skull and the other had a disturbing amount of blood dripping from its mouth, was... was his head a friggin lemon?! That was the last thing you saw before waking up*

A/N: This is done, its better then nothing, and sorry for being dead for so long, STAY DETERMINED through these hard times, ill cya later y'all, now FRISK WHERES MY CHOCOLATE >:/

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