meeting underswap(part 2

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A/N: this chapter isn't done yet so I'll come back to it later, but I feel like it needs to be put out now so yea stay determined and all that now FRISK GIMME MY CHOCOLATE >:/

"Hmm" ink said, obviously thinking really hard on this "so he has sans magic, can see the ghosts, and can use shortcuts, I'd say hes a sans but, hes human." "um guys?" Ink and papyrus turn towards you "sorry just thinking out loud-" "you need to take a closer look at my soul if you think I'm human" "...huh?" Ink said confused "Ok then" *papyrus checked you, you are normal...wait your soul is upside down..., that's a monster soul, but why is F/C?* A/N: F/C = favorite color
", your not human..." said a very confused ink "well, mite like a mix of both, as far as I remember, my father was monster and my mother was human, cant remember what my dad looked like tho..." *ink hugged you* "I'm sure your father was a sans, he may not be the original or any AU I've met, but I'm sure that hes a sans" *papyrus hugged you* "it'll be ok Y/N, we may not be sure who your parents are, but I'm sure there proud of you rn" ... *a loud crash could be heard from the town, along with screaming and shouting* "shit they've found us" *ink ran out to the crash* "wəL1 Wə1L wəL1, 100K Wh0 1s" *error could be seen holding both the charas and the ghost frisk, all of them trying to scream* "error! What do you want from them now?!?!" "0h įţ§ VəRý §1Mpłə, ĐƏÞƏRMĮŅÆTĮØN" ( oh it's very simple, DETERMINATION) *with that the souls of the girls shot ouf from there chests, revealing 3 bright red DETERMINATION souls* "let them go" "ØH? ÆnD wHø ıs þhə øņə DəMąŅďĮņĢ?" (Oh? And who's the one demand me?) "ME" "Y/N what are you doing?!?!" Ink shouted, surprised and angry "I'm saving my girlfriend, and this AU's frisk and chara" *you run to error, suprising him and throwing him against a tree, nearly 20 yards away* "run... now" *the humans and monsters ran for shelter ad error was getting up* "§əƏm§ §ømƏøņə ıs fī§ţY" (seems someone's feist) *he gets up and dashes for you, trying to strike you with his strings* MISS "Hűh?" *you dodge to the side as a song starts playing* (play the song at the top now)

*error starts glitching worse now, his strings launching at you.* but nothing happened "hűh?" *the strings turned F/C and dissapeared, leaving a stunned error* "whæþ jű§þ hæppənəđ?" (What just happened?) "Your anilation" *and with that you bound towards error, pinning him to the ground, punching his face repeatedly before he kicks you off of him and sends you flying into swap sans' house* "well that wasn't very nice now was it?" *again you bound towards error, this time when you get right in front of him, his glitched soul steps out of his chest and is now F/C, you throw your arm to the forest and he goes flying, breaking multiple trees, hopefully along with some bones, before cutting the strings tying the swap girls down, music still blaring in the background* "y'all ok?" "Yea w-were fine..." *frisk said kinda viciously, but you can understand since they were nearly killed, but they could have been a little nicer* "good to know, but we're not out of the woods just yet" ;3 "STOP WITH THE PUNS FOR ONCE" >:/ *Frisk said angrily while paps and swap chara where laughing*
"Øw" (ow) *error steps out of the forest* "wəłł ýøų wəŕņþ ķıďđıņğ" (well you wernt kidding) "you better run while you still have the chance" *you start to glow blue as your brought to error* "ņøþ jų§þ ýəþ" (not just yet) *error grabs your arm and a black liquid slides onto your arm before you break free* "that was your last chance" *error turns F/C and is slammed to swap sans' house, before he jumps into a rip in the AU, it closing behind him* "..."

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