Part 61.

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Normal POV.

I'd been at Jay's house for just over an hour now. We'd talked, I'd shown him some of my pictures from LA, and we were just having a general catch up. "Do you want another cuppa?" he asked. I quickly checked my watch. "Go on then, one for the road" I smiled. I didn't want to be too late home, I told Aston I wouldn't be long. Jay got up, taking our cups with him as he walked into the kitchen. I just sat there, staring at the magazines and documents that spread on the coffee table. I decided too take a peek, see what I'd missed while being in LA. However, I didn't expect what I saw. It was there, in big bold letters on the front page, 'Merrygold father to be?'. A picture of him and Chelsea in town, outside a mothercare to be precise. I flicked open the magazine to the appropriate page, more pictures dotted around the page, along with lots of text. My mind was in a total blur right now, I don't know what was happening. Was Aston a father? Was it all just a rumour? Because I havn't been informed about it. Surely Aston would have told me right? I wiped the few tears that had escaped from my eyes just as Jay walked in with the coffee's. "Rumours eh?" I laughed, holding up the magazines. He slid his jaw, placing the cups on the coffee table as I frowned. I knew what this meant. "They're not rumours are they?" I asked, even though I knew the answer. "Maddie.." he said, sitting down next to me and taking my hands in his. "He's been meaning too tell you since he found out, he doesn't want to ruin things between you so hes trying to keep it a secret from you as long as he can" "There isn't anything between us" I told him, even though I knew we had some sort of connection. "Not according to him. He wants to make it work between you's and he knows he isn't gonna get anywhere with a baby in the way.." he explained. I just sat there, gobsmacked. I can't believe this is happening. "You need to talk to him, let him explain" he told me. "What is there to explain? I know the in's and out's, I don't want details" "Don't take it out on me Maddie" he let go of my hands. "I'm sorry, this is too much" I sighed, standing up and putting on my coat. "Wait" Jay said as I was about too leave. "Let me ring Ast, tell him you know, so you don't go all ninja on him" he said, making me laugh. "Have some coffee babe, relax" he told me. I smiled, he was such a sweetheart. I quietly sat down, sipping my coffee as Jay rung Aston.


Standing up and walking towards the window, the phone was ringing. It took a few minutes before he picked up, sounding panicked. "Alright Ast?" I asked. "Yeah bruv, why?" "Just asking.. Listen, Maddie knows" I told him. "What? You told her? Jay, I told you I was going too tell her in my own time, I don-" "Ast calm down. She saw the magazine" I told him, hearing him sigh in response. "So I'm just ringing too let you know she isn't in the best of moods, but you's need too talk it out, shes coming home soon" I explained. "Okay, tell her I'll be home in like half an hour" he replied. "What? Your not at home?" I asked him. I could feel Maddie staring at the back of my head and it wasn't a nice feeling. "Er no" "Well where are you?" "I'm busy Jay, half an hour yeah?" and that was it, the line went dead. I frowned, stuffing my phone in my pocket as I walked back over too Maddie. "Where is he?" she asked. I shrugged. "Jay, where is he?" she repeated. "I honestly don't know babe, he didn't say, he just put the phone down and said he would be home in half hour" I told her, sipping my coffee as she finished hers. We were sat in silence for a few minutes before she spoke. "He's with her isn't he?" she sniffed. "Mads, don't assume that, come here" I knew she was crying so I pulled her into my chest as she let out a few sobs.

Normal POV.

I was on my way back home now, though my vision wasn't perfect because of the tears I'd cried. My eyes were burning and they felt puffy. I knew Aston was with Chelsea, it didn't take a genius to figure it out. I parked my car, still no sign of Aston as I opened the front door, closing it behind me and going straight upstairs, getting into something comfier before pouring myself a glass of wine, I'd need it with what was about to come.

Aston's POV.

"Babe I have to go, I need to sort things out with Maddie" I explained, sitting on the end of the bed as I put on my clothes. "Well what's going on with us Ast?" Chelsea asked, still sprawled out in bed. "I don't know" I sighed. "Its not good enough, you're either here or you're not" she moaned. "We'll talk anoher time yeah? I gotta go" I told her, leaving a little peck on her cheek before I walked out of her bedroom, down the stairs and out the front door, straight into my car. It took a while to register what's just happened. I've just had sex with my ex, who wants be back, and who's carrying my child. Fuck! I banged my head against the steering wheel, realising what a mistake I've made before staarting the engine and driving home. When parked, I noticed Maddie's car parked up and the front room light was on, indicating she was obviously home. Well this was going too be fun. I opened the door, throwing down my keys on the side as I walked through to the front room. It was silent. All I saw was Maddie sat in the corner of the sofa, curled up in a ball. A glass of wine on the table. The only thing to be heard were her sobs. "Mads.." I muttered, it breaking my heart seeing her like this. She lifted her head up and looked at me and I knew it just by her face, I knew she was broken by all of this. And now I had to be the one to try and fix that.

Okay, been away for a few days, iPad's broke and laptop is on its way out so might not post as regular as I used too, hope you enjoy X

In my darkest place, you were my guide. Part 1.Where stories live. Discover now