Part 12.

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Normal POV.

I was lay in my bunk, we were still travellig too Liverpool, it was so long and I was bored out of my brains. I started to nod off when  I felt my phone vibrate from my pocket. I picked it out, reading Liam's name on the front screen. I sighed, it must be morning over there. I pressed the answer button, putting my phone too my ear. "Hello?" I said. "Hey babe" he answered. "I thought I'd give you a quick ring, not heard your voice in a few days" he continued. I smiled, he can be cute when he wants to be. "Aw, thats nice of you" I replied. "So whats my girl up too?" "Still travelling too Liverpool, its so long" I sighed. He didn't really reply. "Liam?" "Sorry babe, I'm here" "Whats up?" "Nothing, I'm just.. well yuno.. thinking, your gonna be surrounded my hot guys from now on aren't you, maybe its best if I let you go" "What do you mean?" I said, sitting up in my bunk. "Well, think about it Mads, you aren't gonna come back from England, we both know it. You're gonna fall in love with someone else who can give you what I couldn't". Thinking about it, he made sense. I was planning on staying here, but you never know what happens, I've lived in LA for quite a bit now, I might end up moving back if things go wrong over here. "I'm sorry, I keep forgetting how hard things must be for you" "Forgetting? So you've just forgotten about me? Thanks Mads, thats nice" I sighed. "No, I worded it wrong" "Yeah course, have a nice time on tour, tell your brother I said hi" he said in a sarcastic tone. "Lia-" I said, just before the line went dead. He'd put the phone down on me? Over something so stupid? I threw my phone across to the other bunk, lying back down and sighing.

Aston's POV.

I was in my own world, earphones in, chillin out, when all of a sudden something hit my chest. My eyes shot open. Pulling out my earphones and sitting up, I pulled back my curtain, seeing Maddie lay on her back on her bunk, not looking very happy. "You should watch where you're chucking things you know" I said. She removed her hands from over her face, looking straight at me. "Sorry" she simply said, putting her hands back where they were. "Whats happened, you don't look happy?" I asked. She didn't reply. "Are you okay?" I frowned. I saw her nod slightly. "Look at me" I told her. It took her a few minutes before she finally removed her arms, sitting up and looking at me, I noticed her red puffy eyes. "Have you been crying?" I asked. She looked down. Obviously, she had. "Do you wanna hug?" I asked. She just nodded. I got off my bunk, closing the space between us and standing in between her legs as I wrapped my arms around her, her following my lead. I felt her keep sobbing onto my tshirt. I pulled her out of our hug, leading her to my area. "Come on" I said as I took her hand. We sat down on the sofa's, just like we had done a few hours before. "Now tell Aston what's happened" I said, lifting her chin to make her look at me. She sighed, resting her head on the back piece of the sofa as she began to explain what had made her so upset.

Please give me some feedback!! Too much at once, not enough drama? :/

In my darkest place, you were my guide. Part 1.Where stories live. Discover now