Part 29.

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Normal POV.

Walking into the club, it was quiet, not many people around. I followed the others to the table, everyone coupled up apart from me. I felt left out, yet again. I was ready tell Aston, if only Chelsea wasn't here. Obviously, I couldn't do it with her here. She was alright I guess, she'd not spoken to me loads, but she seemed like an alright girl. In a way, I didn't want to break them up, I knew how happy Aston was, but I just couldn't help my feelings. I sipped my drink as everyone was in their own conversations. I didn't really know what to do with myself, should I join in with one of the conversation?, shall I just leave? Hm.. I stood up, when I felt myself being pulled back down. "Hey" Aston smiled. I smiled back, "Hi" "Are you alright? I've not spoke to you properly today" "Yeah I'm fine" I sighed. "Why the sigh?" I shrugged. "Tell me babe" he said, resting his hand on my leg. I was getting goosebumps and it was obvious, shit! "Its nothing, im fine" I told him. "Are you cold?" he giggled. "A little bit" I laughed with him. "So your okay yeah?" he asked again. "Yeah Ast, im fine" I told him. Why didn't I just tell him there and then? It was the perfect oppurtunity. Before I could speak again, he was back with Chelsea and I was back to square one.

Aston's POV.

On the dancefloor, I was fucked. I was currently on the dancefloor with Chelsea. She was more drunk than me so I was being careful, steadying her as we swayed along to the music. "I've missed you" she whispered in my ear. "Aw, I missed you too" I smiled, placing a kiss on her lips. I went to pull away, before she pulled me back into her, grabbing onto my shirt with one hand, the other in my hair. I laughed into the kiss as tongues were added, battling away, we were in our own world, no-one around us, our own little bubble. It was getting more and more passionate by the minute. Her hands went down my shirt, down my abs and into my pants,making me moan. I pulled out of the kiss as we looked into each other eyes. "Cheeky" I winked. "Can we go?" she bit her lip. I nodded, grabbing her hand as we made our way out of the club, towards the nearest cab. I gave the name of our hotel. As soon as we were on our way, hands were roaming, lips were on each others, we couldn't stay away from each other. When we finally pulled up outside the hotel, I paid the driver, stepping out of the cab first, then helping Chelsea out as we walked towards the lift and to our room. I was about to make up for lost time with my girl.

Normal POV.

Laid in bed at 2AM, I was quite sober. I couldn't sleep, however. I've just been laid here for an hour, trying my best to get some eyes shut, nothing working. I picked up my phone, scrolling through some tweets, answering my texts from earlier, when I heard a loud scream. It was coming from my left side. It stopped, before I heard giggling,then a moan, then more giggling. It wasn't till I listened properly, I could recognise the voice as Aston's, he was the one moaning. I was mortified, I was listening to him and Chelsea have sex. It sounds so wrong, but I was intrigued, on what I was up against. I wish that was me in there and not her. As I pretty much pulled my ears away, trying to block out the sound, I decided to send a tweet before trying to get some more sleep. [Sometimes wish walls were sound proof!!! :-/]. 

Just a little filler atm, I'll try post more later but I have work at half 5 so not sure what time I'll be back etc.. Hope your enjoyin xox.

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