Part 24.

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Normal POV.

Dressed in my hot pink, one shoulder, knee length dress, I slipped on my black heels as I waited for Aston to finish doing his hair in the bathroom, I could faintly hear him humming to himself. I checked myself over in the mirror, pushing my hair up with my fingers as it was curled down my back, the sides clipped up. Inheard a whistle from behind me, making me glance around, seeing Aston stood at the door frame, buttoning up his shirt. He looked quite smart tonight, He was wearing a crisp white shirt, two buttons left undone, with grey suit pants, obviously tight fitted, not that I was complaining. "You look smart" I grinned. "Aw, thanks babe. You look gorgeous" he told me, giving me a kiss on the cheek. I felt my cheeks blushing, thank god I was wearing make up! "Shouldn't wear such high heels though" he added, noticing I was now the same height as him. "Shouldn't be such a shorty should you" I mimicked. He threw me daggers as he tied up his shoes, turning off the lights and grabbing his blazer. "Ready to go?" he asked. I nodded, grabbing my clutch and walking out of the door, standing in the corridor as Aston locked up, putting the key card into my clutch. We walked down the corridor and into the lift, meeting the others round the back of the hotel where a minibus would be waiting to take us to the club.

Aston's POV.

Im not gonna lie, Maddie looked hot tonight! If I was single, I would totally snap her up. As we approaches the club, I felt an urge to look after her, with Jay being in the other minibus. I stepped out first, offering my hand as she stepped out. I then opened my arm for her to link me as we entered the club, making sure she didn't lose me or get lost along the way, it was pretty busy. I noticed Marvin at the bar so we joined the others, sat at the table. "Looking handsome tonight Ast" I was told a few times, from the dancers and the boys. "Too the last nights of tour" we raised the greeny coloured shot, downing it in one and placing it back on the silver tray. "Not that bad" I smiled. "That was rank, horrible after taste" Jay moaned. I laughed at them moaning as I made my way up to the bar, getting myself a proper drink. I ordered a vodka and coke before I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. "Fancy a dance?" was whispered into my ear. I turned my head, seeing quite an attractive, brunette, petite girl stood behind me. She was smiling, obviously hoping I would oblige. "No thanks babe" I simply said. "Aw, come on.. It's only one dance" she moaned. I noticed her voice was different. She didn't speak like us. She sounded, almost, foreign.. "Im okay" I replied, turning back towards the bar. "What's a handsome guy like you doing on your own anyway" she crept up against me again, obviously trying to get my attention. "Im with my friends" I told her, trying not to be ignorant, but at the same time, not wanting to make the wrong impression. "Oh, no girl then?" I shook my head as I paid for my drink. "Maybe later?" she was practically begging me now as I walked back to the table with my drink, laughing at the incident that had just occurred. "Something funny Ast?" Reesh joined in. I shook my head, indicating nothing had happened, as I quietly sipped my drink.

Normal POV.

"Still not told him?". I looked to where the voice was coming from, Lisa, sat at the side of me. She'd obviously noticed me staring at Aston as he chatted to some girl in a booth. I shook my head, looking down and playing with my fingers. "You know, you don't have to do it" she told me. I frowned, "What do you mean" I asked. "I can tell him for you. It might be easier coming from someone else" "No, I need to tell him myself" I shook my head. "And when will this happen" she asked. I shrugged. "I don't know, when the time is right" I said as I heard her sigh and join into another conversation. I was deeply watching Aston with this brunette girl, they were laughing, and whatever they were laughing at, it must be extremely funny, they were literally howling with laughter. A few minutes must have passed, they were collecting their drinks and walking towards us. "Boys.." he said as he approached their table. "This is Ashleigh" he introduced her. I squinted to see their reaction, they didn't seem bothered to be honest. Was this typical for Ast? He then introduced her to our little girls table. None of the girls seemed interested either, they just carried on with their conversations. But me? I was far from not bothered. I watched them intensely as they both walked over to the bar, downing a few shots before having a dance on the dance floor. That was my mind made up, I wanted to get wasted.

In my darkest place, you were my guide. Part 1.Where stories live. Discover now