Part 3.

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Normal POV.

It was two days later, and I still hadn't told Liam about me going to the UK in just under three weeks. To be fair, I was to scared of his reaction, but I needed to pluck up the courage and do it. So I waited for him to get home from work, I made his favourite dish, pizza. As we sat eating and chatting, I decided it was time to just come out with it. "So er.. Theres something I have to tell you" I said, not taking my eyes off my plate. "What is it?" he asked, eating another chip. I sighed. "I'm er.. I'm going to stay with my brother for a while" "Your brother? But.. Doesnt he live in England?" he asked, a confused tone to his voice. I nodded. "Your going to the UK?" he asked, making sure he'd heard me right. "Yeah.." "I dont get it Mads, why?" he asked. "I was speaking to him last night, and he said I need a break" "And you agree with him?" "Well yeah, but it'll be nice to see him too" "Theres nothing that you need a break from. Whats wrong with being here, with me?" "Dont do this Liam, we both know its a bad time right now. I dont wanna be arguing" I sighed. "Im sorry" he said. "How long you going for?" I shrugged. "What do you mean?" "I havnt booked a return flight" I admitted. "So you could be gone months? Even a year?" "I dont know ok, I just dont know!" I shouted, storming off. Why did he have to complicate things? Why couldnt he just understand how hard this was for me right now. I needed my family, the three members that I had. Being with my brother would do me good. I just wish he would understand that. I stormed up the stairs and into the bathroom, running myself a hot bath as I text JB. [The sooner I'm with you, the better. I cant wait :) xx] I sent. [Is everything okay? Jx] he text back. I sighed, not really knowing how to reply. [I guess xx]. I put my phone on charge as I climed into the bath, hoping to relax myself. 


Maddie's reply scared me a little bit. I guess? What did that mean? I hated her being so far away from me at a time like this. I can't say I know what shes going through, because obviously I can't say I do. I honestly can't wait for her to be here with me, so I can look after her and make sure shes alright. I was currently in the studio with the boys, however I was in my own world. "Jay" I was nudged by Marvin. "Sorry, what?" I asked, focusing myself back into the conversation. "We were talking about the next album title. "What is wrong with you bro?" Oritse laughed. I shook my head. "It doesnt matter" I sighed. "Bro, you shouldnt keep things in" Aston said. I nodded, "I know, I know. Its just, something I dont really want to talk about. "Ok" they said. I knew this was getting too them, they wanted to know why I was so off these days, obviously I don't want to say though, its not my buisness too say. I'd let Maddie decide when she got here in just under three weeks.

Building it up slowly:)

In my darkest place, you were my guide. Part 1.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora