birthday surprise // Ponyboy Imagine

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I push my cart down the aisle and scan the shelves. "lookin' for something in particular, darlin?" I turn around and see a boy in blue uniform, smiling at me. "uh, yeah, do you know where I can find sprinkles?" I hand him a small slip of paper with a few things scribbled on it. "yep, follow me". He leads me to the 'baking aisle' and hands me my list, "you should be able to find everything here". I nod and thank him, then wander down the aisle looking for my ingredients.

My face lights up when I find the chocolate frosting and cake batter, tossing them into the cart. I grab a small container of sprinkles and toss those in too. I stuff the list in my pocket and make my way to the check out, eager to get home and make the perfect birthday cake.

-time skip-

I walk through the door and shut it behind me,
"Y/N!". I look around the corner and see the gang, minus Pony. "wha- how'd you guys get in my house?" I set my groceries on the counter. "the door was unlocked" Darry says, crossing his arms and giving me a 'be more careful' look. I force a smile and rub the back of my neck, "whoops.." Soda starts taking stuff out of the bag and grins, "cmon, we got a cake to make!" I noticed that they had already gotten all of the supplies we needed out of the cabinets. "you guys sure did make yourselves at home" I chuckle. "you're the one who left the front door unlocked" Dallas smirks.

I roll my eyes and he does the same. "okay, okay, we'll make the cake, and you guys can frost it" Sodapop divides us into two groups. "what will me, Two, Dal, and Johnny do while you guys bake?" I ask. Darry points towards the couch, "you guys can wrap our gifts for Pony". We look to one another and nod our heads. "great! Let's get started!"

-time skip-

"are you sure? Not just one bite?"  "no! We gotta wait til the party!" Steve groans and holds his head in his hands. "okay, y'all can start icing the cake" I sit up and rush to the counter, placing myself right in front of the cake. I open the frosting container and take in the scent, "smells like heaven" I say, scooping the chocolatey goodness onto the freshly baked cake. "wait, why do you get to frost it?" Two-bit asks. I grab another knife and hand it to him, "happy?". He nods and we both spread the chocolate frosting around the cake, almost completely covering it.

"I'll do the sprinkles!" Johnny grabs the container and scatters them everywhere. As he's sprinkling the cake, Two-bit puts his hand underneath and catches a few in his hand, tossing them into his mouth soon afterward. "Keith.." I raise my eyebrow and he chuckles, "I couldn't help myself!" We laugh and Johnny finishes touching up the cake, "done!". Everyone surrounds the cake, "I hope it tastes as good as it looks" Dallas licks his lips. I would be lying if I said I wasn't as excited as everyone else to taste it.

"did you guys already decorate the house?" I ask. Soda nods, "yep, streamers, balloons, you name it!" I smile, "great, where's Pony?". Steve snickers, "he's hangin with the Shepherds". My eyes go wide, "are you sure that's a good idea?" I look to Darry. "don't worry, Tim promised to be nice, and him and Curly get along fine" I nod, "who's gonna get Pony?" Soda hops up, "I will" he smiles. "alright, let's go"

I put the cake in a container as the others grab the load of gifts for Pony. We all walk out of the house, "don't forget to lock the door!" Dallas yells. I roll my eyes and hand Two-bit the cake while I fumble with my keys to lock it. "now we can go" I say, walking off to the Curtis'.

We walk into the house and Two-bit sets the cake down on the table. My eyes wander around the living room, admiring what they had done with the decorations. "this is great!" I say, taking a seat on the couch. Steve and Two-bit drool over the cake, "no eating it until Pony gets here!"  They each give me an annoyed look while Darry gives me a thumbs up.

I was about to move the presents from the floor to the coffee table, when I heard distant talking coming from outside. Everyone else must've heard it too because they all ducked down. Their footsteps become louder as they get closer, and I hold my breath as the door opens. Sodapop walks in with Pony and we all jump up, "surprise!!". Pony looks at us and around the room, speechless. "happy birthday, little buddy" Darry wraps an arm around him. "thanks!" He smiles. Two-bit grabs a beer from the fridge, "no more waiting, let's get this party started!"

-time skip-

I sit on the couch next to Pony, who had some chocolate frosting smudged on the corner of his mouth. Steve and Soda were both half-asleep on the floor, Darry in his chair, Dallas was leaned up against the couch snoring, Johnny on the other side of him, and Two-bit was next to me.

I lean my head on Pony's shoulder. "you tired?" He asks. I nod my head, "but if you wanna stay up we can" I look up at him, "after all, it is your birthday". A smirk crept upon his face and he looked down at his lap, "there is something I'd rather do than sleep.." I feel the butterflies forming in my stomach, "what did you have in mind?"

He brings his hand up to the side of my face and leans in. I close my eyes as I feel our lips touch. I shift to where I'm straddling his lap as he places his hands on my waist and pulls me into him. We may have been in a dark room, but in my mind fireworks were going off. I wrap my arms around him and hold him closer, our body's moving perfectly in sync together. I only break apart to catch my breath.

"Jesus, get a room"

I panic and push myself off of his lap and sit next to him. I look to Dallas who was giving me a disgusted look. "go back to sleep" I say, waving my hand at him. He ignores me and takes his place next to Johnny.

I lightly hit Pony's shoulder and try to hold in my laughter, "you're crazy".

He puts an arm around me as he plants a small kiss on my head, "sure am".

sorry this isn't great, I've been swamped with school orientations and whatnot
anyway, happy birthday Ponyboy!
Stay Gold!

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