chapter one

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picture of Averie above
Averie's POV
Ughh, I thought as I rolled over and grabbed my phone off the nightstand to shut the incessant alarm off. Great, Monday already. Time for school, yayy. Note the sarcasm there. School was my own personal hell. I was verbally and physically bullied. More verbal than physical unless I really get out of line. When that happens, it's usually a punch to the stomach or a slap in the face, nothing too crazy. My skin is too gorgeous to mess up, if i do say so myself.

Sorry, let me introduce myself. My name is Averie Cole Moss and I'm currently 17 turning 18 in 3 days. I have grey eyes, wavy chocolate hair, and tan skin. I'm pretty cute but also kind of short. I'm 5'5. Oh, I almost forgot, I'm also a werewolf and very much gay... yeah big deal. I also love to bake. I'm very sarcastic and most of the time I don't let the bullying get to me. Keyword-most of the time. Anywaysss back to reality...

"AVERIE COLE MOSS, YOUR ASS BETTER BE UP. DON'T MAKE ME COME UP THERE," my lovely mother, Elaina, yells from downstairs. I roll my eyes.
"YEAH , YEAH," I yell right back at her but roll out bed anyways. I walked into my bathroom and take a quick shower and brush my teeth. Walking back into my room in a towel, of course, I head to my dresser to find an outfit.

After throwing on some light wash ripped jeans and a white graphic tee, I head back into the bathroom to style my hair. I brush it into the same simple middle part I always do and put in my dangling gold earring. After I deemed myself hot as fuck, I walked back into my room and slipped on some white vans and put my phone in my pocket. I grab my bag and head downstairs.

I walk into the kitchen and see my mother standing at the island with a hand on her hip. I look just like her but a little taller and she has curly hair.  "Morning mom," I say to her. "Good morning baby", she says even though I could tell she's sorta mad. "You were almost fucking late dumbass." Don't get me wrong, I love my mom and we're super close, but she can be scary as hell when she wants to be. I go give her a hug, "you know you're the bestest mom in the world, right?". She looks at me, "duh of course i know, i'm me, but you need to get up earlier and stay out of lala land." I get the sarcasm from her. It's just me and my mom. I don't know anything about my dad and my grandparents live in Europe. After telling her I will, I grab a croissant that I baked yesterday. Croissants are my weakness, they're so good. I moaned when I bit into it.

I'm almost at the door on my way to hell when she stops me.
"Don't forget Alpha's son's birthday is tomorrow and they're having a party for him tonight." I literally stopped dead in my tracks. I literally fucking hate him, he's one of my main bullies, along with his beta and some of their other friends.
"Okay and what the hell does that have to do with me?" I ask turning around to look at her. "You know we have to go, the whole pack has to", she says to me with sympathy in her eyes. She knows I hate him and what he does to me. "Mom, I don't wanna go. Can't you tell them I'm sick and on my death bed or something."

"I wish, honey but you know we can't go against the Alpha. But go and have a great day at school. We're leaving at 8:45 for the party tonight." I sigh very loud knowing she's right and grab my car keys to head out the door. "Bye mom."

"See you later my favorite gay baby," she says as she literally pushes me out the door. Yeah my mom knows I'm gay and I'm her only child, but whatever. I think more about the party.. The alpha's son has to see if he meets his mate so everyone has to come. I don't even know why I'm going. I am not his mate. The party starts so late so everyone can be there when the alpha comes of age aka turns 18. I head to my car and start it up. I connect my phone to the bluetooth and start the 15-minute drive to hell. I'm so into the music, I didn't notice I was at school until i turned into the parking lot.
Only a few more months then I graduate, I think to myself.

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