chapter eight

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a/n hi shorties!! once again it's been a while. college is soo stressful. i apologize for the long wait. don't forget to vote!
Pic above is of Leylani

Leylani's POV (surprise)

After pushing Averie inside the house, I headed back to my own to get some things I needed for him. I went quietly to my office so I didn't wake Poppy and the pups. When I got there, she was sitting at my desk with the light on. I swear to the goddess that this woman always knew. "Whats wrong, my love?" my wonderful mate, Poppy asks. All I told her was that I had to help a friend and I couldn't give her any details. She knew how serious I was and didn't push me further. She got up and pulled me into a hug giving me a quick kiss.
"Do what you need to do baby. I love you", she said before pulling back.
"I love you too so much. Thank you." I told her and she left my office after a quick kiss to my forehead.

I went to the safe located in the wall and put in the code. I grabbed some cash, the apartment keys, and the phone that was in there. I also grabbed a new identity for Averie. Why do I have all of this, you may be wondering. Well, before I met Poppy, I was in an abusive relationship. See, I wasn't born a werewolf, I was turned by Poppy. My ex did unspeakable things to me. I was only 15 when he took my from my parents. He completely shut me off from my friends, my parents, everyone. I finally built up enough courage to run away when I was almost 17. I ran for over a year changing my identity every now and then to keep myself safe. This is the last identity I had left before Poppy saved me from a life of running. I don't know why I kept this stuff or the apartment I had set up, but something told me that I should. My mate would never hurt me, so I didn't have a use for it. It took us quite awhile before we got to where we are today and we're still working on building a stronger relationship.

It's weird though, I always sense things like these. Like when Averie's in distress or something telling me to keep these things. I pack everything up in an envelope and head into the kitchen. I grabbed some snacks for Avery since I knew the drive was long, about 16 hours. I'm sure he didn't want to make noise by rummaging in the kitchen and wake his mom. Poppy sits at the island watching me. As I was heading out, she stops me and hands me something. "Pills to mask his scent and to hide the fact that he's a were", she simply states. I told you this woman always knew.
"Thank you love", I gave her a kiss and started out the door.
"Be safe", she called behind me.
"I will."
I jump in my car and raceback to Averie's house.

Averie's POV
I check the time on my phone and saw that it's been over an hour since Ley left. I was getting worried but Leylani does not break promises. bzzz bzzz Speak of the devil, or in this case my angel.
Leylani 3:01am- outside hurry
I hurriedly gathered my things and went outside. Ley grabbed the bags that were in my hands. I popped the trunk for her and went back to the door to grab the other one. We threw all my bags in the trunk before closing it as soft as possible. I turned to her with tears in my eyes, "Thank you so much Ley."
"No problem sugar plum. I know what it feels like to not be in control. Hold on." That peaked my interest. What is she talking about? Ley went back to her car and pulled her passenger door open. First she pulled out a bag and then a thick folder. "Listen to me carefully, in this envelope is your new identity. Birth certificate and social security card. In here is also the apartment keys and the address as well as some cash. I need you to find a couple ATMs and max them out to empty your savings account. This needs to be done before your 5th hour of driving. So by then, all of your accounts need to be empty. When you reach a town called Ansfield and you're too tired to drive any further, find a hotel called the Sweets Inn. Ask for Pie at the front desk and tell them Pumpkin sent you. They'll get you situated for the rest of the day but you need to be back on the road the next morning. Then when you get to the apartment, I need you to go get a new driver's license as well as tag for your car. I also want you to open a new bank account with your new identity and change the locks on your apartment. I do not want you to be found because we know how Bradley can get. One last thing, there are some pills in that bag you need to take to mask your scent. Give me your old phone so I can destroy it." She took my phone and gave me the one in the envelope.

"How did you get all this stuff and how do you know so much?", I asked curiously. She looked at me with a far away look in her eyes, "Don't worry about that. All you need to worry about is keeping yourself safe. I don't know when I'll see you again. I love you so very much. Stay strong. You're the little brother I never had." She pulls me in for one final hug before letting me go. "Thanks for everything. I love you too so much, Leybear", my voice cracks from the tears. She has a sad smile on her face from the nickname. I haven't called her that in forever. We kinda got older and outgrew it. "Now, go", she says pushing me towards my car, "don't forget to do the things I told you to do".

I look at the house I grew up in, made memories in. I take one last deep breath of home mixed with my mother's scent. I say a silent prayer to the Moon Goddess, the mother of werewolves, please protect my mom and look after her and protect me as well. don't let her forget me. I turn to my car, and with a last look at the house and a final wave to Ley, I get in and start the car. I program the address in my new phone and hit the road. Ley pulls out after me but goes the opposite direction.

I drive in silence for over an hour before I reach the edge of the Silver Waters territory. The pack owns a lot of land. I drive through and feel the bond between me and the pack snap. I hear three loud howls in the distance. Wolves are family animals. One was from Alpha Jake feeling a member of his pack cross the border. The next was the howl of a wolf whose mate left the pack, Bradley. I grimaced at the thought. The third, that one shook me to my core. It was the loudest, most painful howl I've ever heard in my life. This was the one of a mother whose pup snapped their bonds with the pack. "Mom", I whimpered out.

I couldn't stay because I knew other members of the pack were now awake from the howling. I pressed the gas and drove faster because I knew they would shift and run to the edge of the territory to find out who left. I left and never turned back. I eventually made it to the highway and merged onto it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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