chapter five

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hi shortiess! here's an update for you. Poppy above^.

Averie's POV

The pack house isn't too far from us so we get there in 10 minutes. The pack lives on the same property with the pack house in the center and the woods surrounding us. After parking, I meet my mom at the front. The pack house is huge, it was beautifully decorated and had so many rooms. The alpha and beta families stayed here as well as some unmated wolves. There was also guest rooms for visitors. We head to the backyard after greeting a couple people to see the party in full swing. After looking around for a moment, I spotted Leylani and her family. She waved me over to them. Thank the goddess I hadn't seen Bradley or his friends.

"I'll be back", I told my mom.

"okay have fun", she waved me off and I headed to Leylani.

"Hi sugar plum" she greeted with a hug.

"Hi Ley". I looked over to see her mate and their 1 year old twins. "Hey Poppy", I also gave her a hug too. Poppy was gorgeous. She had fair skin with wavy whiteish-silverish hair and green eyes. She was also one of the pack healers, also known as doctors. Her and Leylani are perfect for each other. They had a passion for helping others. "Avyy", I hear two tiny voices call out. I bent down to their pups Mira and Remi to pick them up. "Hi my favorite little princess and my favorite little prince". I give them each a kiss on the forehead. They giggled and I put them down. They look just like their parents. In the werewolf world, either gender can bear children even if the mates are of the same sex. How? I don't know but thats the moon goddess for you.

"Earth to Averie", I snap out of it to Poppy waving her hand in my face with a grin. "What you thinking about over there?"

"I was thinking about mates and pups", I state with a smile. I am ready to find my mate and have little pups running around. I like the idea of being a mother.

"Really?! Well you do turn 18 in 3 days", Ley says excitedly. I hang out with them for the rest of the night just laughing and talking about nothing. Ley also told me she was pregnant again which I'm super excited about because I get more nieces and/or nephews. My mom found me around 10:45 and told me she was tired and was leaving. I told her goodnight and that I would see her later.

I managed to avoid Bradley and his friends for most of the night. I accidentally bumped into him when I went to grab a drink and he shoved me off of him with a glare. I literally fell on my bum and yelped at the pain. Him and his friends laughed and walked away. I got up rubbing my bum and headed back to Leylani and Poppy. They looked at me worried but I brushed them off and told them I was fine. I checked my phone and saw it was 11:50pm. Only ten more minutes and the soon to be alpha would be 18. Only ten more minutes of this and then I could go home. As if right on cue, the current Alpha, Alpha Jake made his way to the stage set up on the lawn. His son, Bradley right behind him.

"Ahem" he cleared his throat. Everyone got quiet and all eyes snapped to him. He looked around before continuing in his booming voice, "Good evening, Silver Waters pack. As you all know, we are here to celebrate my son, your future Alpha's 18th birthday. I think he would be a wonderful Alpha and do the pack some good." I scoffed at this but anyways back to Alpha Jake... "Thank you all for coming out to celebrate this occasion with us. Like I stated before, Bradley is next in line for the pack but before he can take over, he needs to find his mate, whoever they may be. So after the countdown if  everyone could please stay for a few extra minutes, that would be great. Bradley would to check to see if his mate is already apart of our pack. Once again, thank you all for coming." Surprisingly Alpha Jake is nice and caring unlike his dumbass of a son. Alpha stepped away from the microphone so Bradley could speak. I honestly didn't want to hear anything coming out his month but I had no choice.

"Hello, Silver Waters pack. I just want to say thank you for putting this together for me and sticking around for my coming of age. I am proud to be your upcoming alpha. Thanks again and enjoy the rest of the night." He stepped from the mic as his beta came on stage to do the countdown. I looked at my phone and it just hit 11:59. "60..59..58..57..56..55..54..53..", soon to be Beta Mark was counting down from the stage. The rest of the pack joined in with him. Well there was no reason for me to stay so I said a quick goodbye to Leylani, Poppy, and their pups before heading back inside so I could go out the front door. I could distantly hear 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1. I was almost out the door when I heard the one word that made me stop dead in my tracks. Little did I know that 4-letter word changhe my life forever.

"Mate", soon to be Alpha and my worst bully, Bradley Cline growled from behind me.

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