chapter six

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Bradley's POV

After that little piece of shit wolf ticked me off this morning, I left school right after. Averie, I think is his name. I don't give a shit, I could care less. All I know is that he disrespected me and my wolf. He has a smart ass mouth and needed to be put in his place. I never hit him like that before but my wolf, Draven took over. I remember Draven saying he needs to respect us, we're alpha. MAKE HIM SUBMIT. So he did just that. Anyways after leaving school, I went to a drive through and got something to eat.

My name is Bradley Cline, future Alpha of the Silver Waters pack. I have brown eyes and light brownish hair. I really don't know nor do I care cause the girls are all over anyways. My father, the current alpha says I need my mate before he hands over the pack to me since your mate makes you stronger. My birthday is in a few hours and the pack is throwing me a party. It's tradition for the whole pack to be there when the upcoming alpha becomes of age. I personally don't give a shit about a mate but I am the next alpha. Sorry, I cannot fuck one person for the rest of my life. No thanks. I wouldn't reject my mate though because I heard it never ends well. You'll become really depressed and weak and may end up dying. Umm I have a pack to run wtf. And if you haven't noticed, I'm a player. I don't do relationships or anything like that. I do quick fucks. But maybe my mate is someone I've had sex with before. In that case, I hope it's Ashley. She was probably the best sex of my life and has the best body. Perfect ass with a nice face. We still fool around sometimes.

Anyways I head back to the pack house and go for a swim since i'm bored. After that, I just lazed around the house until my beta and the bros got here. They came a couple hours later. We played some video games and chilled before they all left to get ready for my party. I headed upstairs to the alpha suite. My parents also live in the alpha suite. After putting in the passcode, I went to my en-suite bathroom to take a shower. After showering, I dress in all black: button up, jeans, shoes. I style my hair in its usual style and with a few sprays of cologne, I head back downstairs.

The party is about to start and some people are already here talking to each other. I spot my dad talking to his Beta and his mate. I don't know where my mom is or what happened to her. Dad doesn't like talking about it so I don't bring it up. He's a whole different person when he's mad. I walk over to greet them, shaking the beta's hand. They excuse themselves so it's just me and my my father. "Hey dad", I turn to him. "Hello son. You excited to turn 18? You may find your mate tonight" he says with a small smile. Ugh here we go with that mate shit again. I don't give two shits. My dad doesn't know that though so I just respond with "Yeah I'm happy to be almost 18, closer to becoming alpha." Just then, my knucklehead of a beta walks in and pulls me away from my father. Thank goddess,I thought, I do not want to talk about mates anymore.

"What's up bro?" I hear Mark ask me as we head to the backyard where there were more people socializing.

"Nothing much, finna be grown fuckerrr", I respond. He looks at me and we crack up. As we approach one of the tables, I see that wolf from this morning talking to one of the pack healers, Poppy and her mate. Why are they associating themselves with that mutt... It makes my blood boil all over again thinking about how he disrespected me, an alpha wolf for crying out loud. Loud cheering and whooping pulled me out my thoughts. I look up to see us at the table with my dumbass friends. After some handshakes and bro-hugs, we grabbed some drinks and of course that damn mutt had to bump into me. I wasn't going to let it ruin my night so I shoved him off of me. He fell on his ass with a yelp causing us to laugh. We grabbed our drinks and walked out of there. Me and the guys hung out for the rest of the night. My last night before I'm 18.

It was definitely dark know and I checked the time to see that it was 11:50. Almost time. My dad grabbed me from my friends and we went on stage to give our speeches. As soon as my dad cleared his throat, all attention was on him. He gave his speech and of course he had to bring up me finding my mate. After he was done, I said a few words to my pack and stepped back. Mark came on stage to start my countdown.

"60..59..58..57..56..55..54..53..", Mark started counting down, the rest of the following soon after. I could feel the change taking over my body as I became stronger. 29..28..27..26..25..24..23

My senses heightened even more as it neared midnight.










1.. All of a sudden, I smelled the most delicious smell I've ever smelled in my life, like strawberries with a hint of something else. My wolf had a mind of its own and took control. I followed the delicious smell inside of the house all the way to the front door. I saw a figure just about to leave.

"Mate", I growled making the person halt all movements. She looked kind of familiar. She had a very nice body, very lean and smelled amazing. She turned around slightly and I saw her face. It wasn't a her, IT WAS A FUCKING HE. And it was fucking Averie. That definitely caused me to take back control as I just stood there in shock. I will not a have a male mate, I am not a fag. "I, Bradley Cline, future Alpha of the Silver Waters pack reject you, Averie Moss as my mate and future Luna of the pack." He yanked the door open and ran out. This angered me and my wolf, you do not run away from your alpha. Draven took complete control again and ran after him. Averie was disrespecting me and my wolf again and we were not about to go for that. He needed to fucking submit and obey.


Hi shortiesss, I do not like the f-word used in the last paragraph. I hope you're enjoying. Please vote and comment any thoughts.

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