chapter three

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Hi shortiess, I know this chapter is super short but I thought I needed to update.

Averie's POV

I walk slowly to class since I'm still in a bit of pain. Once I reach the door, I knock lightly. My teacher Jack answers. Like I said, he's chill and wants us to call him by his first name. Admittedly, he's kinda hot. That's besides the point...

"Why are you late?", he asks as I step in the class. Thinking quickly, I respond with "I woke up late." He tells me to have a seat so I make my way to the back ignoring the stares from the other students. I'm sure most of them were in the hall when it happened.

Class continues on until the door opens once again. I look up to see the 12th grade teaching assistant and basically my best friend. Leylani is also part of my pack as well as her mate and their pups. She's 20 and graduated two years ago. She moved here when she was 18 because her mate found her while traveling. Leylani has beautiful deep brown eyes, caramel skin and gorgeous curly hair. To put it simply, she was gorgeous. Anyways, we hit it off even though she was grown. We have been there for each other these past two years. She's so caring and understanding, her mate is lucky to have her. Back to the future, she talks to the teacher for a minute before waving at me then leaving. I smile and wave back to her. ding I grabbed my phone out my pocket to check.

Leylani- u going 2 the alphas party right? I shook lightly at the mention of the alpha, memories of earlier flooding back to me.

Averie- yeah everyone has to

Leylani- ok we'll catch up later sugar plum<3

Averie- okay ttyl

Fuck, I almost forgot about the party. I thought. Ughhh what am I supposed to do. He might kill me if he saw me again. Just then, the bell ring causing me to jump slightly. I packed my stuff and made my way to next period. As soon as I was in the hall, I could feel the stares. I looked up to see pity, sadness, and shame. I didn't know if I could take this for the rest of the day so I turned on my heels and headed to the student parking lot. Mom was literally gonna flip her shit for me skipping school, but oh well. I made my way to my car and hopped in... well I slowly made my way in since I was still in a little bit of pain. I drove home and headed in. Mom was still at work and would be for a while since it's only like 10 in the morning.

I dropped my bag and kicked off my shoes at the door and walked through the house to the backyard. I needed to go for a run. After stripping, I shifted into my chocolate brown woIf with gold streaks and ran carefully since i wasn't fully healed. I ran around the woods for a while, staying on our territory. After I was done I ran back to my house and into the bathroom. I shifted back to check my bruises and saw they were healed. I made it back to my room and shifted back into my wolf before laying on the carpeted floor. I was not about to get in my bed all sweaty and gross. EW ASF.  I fell asleep quickly. I guess I was drained.

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