chapter four

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Averie's POV

"...rie, Averie wake up.", I felt someone shaking me. I just swatted their hands away and rolled over.

"AVERIE COLE MOSS GET YOUR ASS UP BEFORE I DUMP THIS WATER ON YOU!" I felt a couple drops of water hit my face and woke up immediately. I shifted back to my human form. I woke up to see my mother hovering over me with a bucket of ice water. "Mommm" I groaned, "that is not how you wake someone up." I see my mom snickering. "And would you please go dump that damn water out? You're still holding it over me." I glared at her. She groaned but obliged, walking over to my bathroom before pouring it out. I looked down and noticed I was naked so I got up and threw some gym shorts on. And no I didn't really care if my mom saw me in my birthday suit.

She came back with a more serious expression on her face. Uh oh I thought. "Uh oh is right young man." Welp I guess I said that out loud.

"You said that out loud too." I face palmed and she continued "So you want to tell me why on goddess' green earth you skipped school? The school called me and told me you were late to first period and didn't make it to your others. What happened? You never skip," she says to me with a sigh. I couldn't tell her and I wanted to lie but I knew she would see right through it. Worth a shot anyways.

"I was tired and couldn't concentrate." I looked away from her as I spoke.

"That's not even a valid excuse, you're always tired and you're always able to concentrate. I know you're lying. So you want to try that again?", she says and I know she was looking at me. I knew I had to tell her. I hate lying to my mom.

"Fine. It was the alpha and his friends," I said looking down. "They hit me." She knew about the name calling but I never told her about the physical bullying. I would always tell her I'm fine but now she's literally fuming.

"THOSE BASTARDS DID WHAT? THEY PUT THEIR DIRTY LITTLE HANDS ON MY BABY?", she yelled and I'm sure the whole neighborhood heard her.


"WHO THE HELL DO THEY THINK THEY ARE? THE NAME CALLING WAS ONE THING." I could see her eyes flashing from her normal grey to purple signifying that her wolf was at the surface. Uh oh.

"Mom", I said again more urgently. She's now pacing my room not listening to me.

"NOW THEY FUCKING HIT YOU? I WILL SHOVE MY FOOT SO FAR UP HIS ASS, SOON TO BE ALPHA OR NOT." Her eyes were fully purple at this point. They were actually gorgeous but she was about to shift. I could see her canines elongate and her claws extended. She's pretty strong seeing as her father used to be a pack warrior. I needed to stop it before her motherly instincts took over and she completely shifted. See, mother wolves protect their cubs from anything they see as a threat.

"MOMM. I'M OKAY. CALM DOWN YOURE ABOUT TO SHIFT AND I DONT WANT YOU TO GET IN TROUBLE. IM OKAY I PROMISE." I yelled trying to get her to calm down. I looked in her eyes to see them shift back to their usual grey. Her claws and canines were gone. She pulled me into a hug after a moment and we both instantly started to calm down. I breathed in her scent deeply and laid my head on her chest. I listened to her soothing heartbeat. She smelled like home. I could hear her breathe in my scent. "You're my baby, my only child, I don't want anything to happen to you," she whispers into my hair. I pulled back and looked into her eyes "Nothing will happen to me. I love you mommy." I know I sound like a child, but my mom is all i have besides Leylani. "I love you too baby."

We stood like there for a minute before pulling apart. "We still have to go, don't we?" I asked even though I already knew the answer. "We can't disobey the alpha but if it was my choice, we would not be going. They better not say one thing to you or even look at you wrong. It's 6:00 right now so we have time to get ready. Just come downstairs at 8:45 and we'll head out."

After telling her ok, she left and I sat in my desk chair thinking about everything that happened today. They always called me names but it never got physical. I don't what caused them to hit  me like that today. It's like the alpha went crazy and his friends followed after him.

I don't know either, you acted the way you always acted when they said something to you.My wolf Nikki says.

Where the hell have you been Nikki? I ask her rudely.

No need for rudeness, I've been thinking about the same things you have. I also have been thinking about our birthday and our mate. I hope he's hot.

Oh shit our birthday is in a couple days. I almost forgot. I'm excited about my mate.

Me too.  Nikki says.

The sound of my ringtone catches my attention. I walk over to my nightstand to pick it up. It's Leylani. Of course I answer it.

Hey sugar plum. How are you? I hear her soft voice over the phone. I don't why she calls me sugar plum, she just does. I like it though.

"I'm okay."

"You sure? You don't sound alright. Plus I didn't see you at school after first period. What happened?" Leylani also assists in some of my other classes. I debated on whether or not I should tell her.

"Averie you still there? Can you hear me?" she started to sound worried.

"I'm still here and nothing happened. I was just tired." I tell her the same excuse I tried to tell my mom.

"I know you're lying and you know you can tell me anything." She's right. I trust her with my life. So I told her what happened earlier today. She flipped out just like my mom did.

"What the hell?! Are you sure you're okay? Are you still going to the party?"

"Yes, I'm completely healed. I'm good and I have to go the party."

"Well if you're sure then I'll see you later. I love you my little sugar plum."

"I love you too Ley. Bye".

After hanging up the phone, I headed to my bathroom to take a quick shower. After drying off, I threw on some clothes and styled my hair. I grabbed my keys and phone and headed downstairs. My mom was already downstairs in a light blue dress that fell just below her knees. The color really brought out her eyes.

"You look gorgeous mom," I told her.

"Thanks hun", she says with a laugh. "You look great too."

"Thanks mom." I had on a lavender polo shirt with some black jeans and matching vans. We didn't need to get dressed up since it was more of a barbecue style party.

"You driving your own car?" she asked as we headed to the door.

"Yeah, if that's okay", I told her. I need to be able to leave when I want to.

"Yeah baby that's fine. Meet you there." We get into our cars and head to the pack house.

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