chapter seven

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woo-hoo chapter seven, this chapter may be triggering for some. also thanks so much for 103 reads<3. i cried while writing the note at the end :(

dedicated to:

-@cryinqxbreeze  for being the first to add my story to their reading list

-@subaru-dono for being the first to vote on a chapter &

-@elecmax for being the first to comment on my story

anywaysss on with chapter seven

Averie's POV

oh fuck no. I thought to myself. Bradley is fucking crazy. I yank open the door and high tail it to my car. I unlock the door and almost made it. Of course, luck was not on my side once again. Bradley was right on my heels and he grabs me out the car by my neck and slams me against it. My back hits the side mirror causing a sharp pain to go through it. I let out a groan and look down. Bradley forces my face back up to his, his claws digging into my cheek. I feel blood dripping down my face. What I see in his face makes me shake even more in fear. His eyes are completely red meaning his wolf is out, but I know he knows what he's doing cause they flash back to his usual color. He has this sadistic smirk on his face that makes my stomach churn.

I heard that when you meet your mate, you're supposed to feel all tingly and warm inside. But I feel nothing but cold and hate towards him. I think it's because of the way he treated me before. I also heard about what he's done to other girls and it's sickening. Then he gets really possessive over them. His claws go deeper into my skin, making me snap back to reality. "you will submit to me", he says lowly with that same sinister grin on his face. I know he smells my fear. It's literally rolling off me in waves. Before I know it, he throws me roughly over his shoulders and heads back into the house and up the stairs. My stomach is doing back flips and not the good kind. I feel sick like something bad is about to happen.

⚠️WARNING ⚠️sexual assault content and I don't want anyone to feel triggered so you may skip down to 🟩 this emoji 🟩.

We make it what I assume is his room before he roughly throws me on the bed. I feel my head hit the headboard. He then gets on top of me pinning my arms above my head with one hand. His claws dig into my wrists. Blood drips on my face. He leans in and takes a deep breath of my scent before roughly ripping my shirt with his claws, leaving deep scratches down my torso. I cry out at the pain and look down to see my body bloody. He moves down to my pants and roughly yank them off along with my boxers. "No, please stop", I whimper out. I'm on the verge of tears. "Please stop, you're hurting me". This just seems to fuel him on more as his eyes go an even deeper red.

"Aww look at the little slut, begging for it", he sneers. After this, I didn't say anything else. He gets off me to take his clothes off. He's completely naked now. I grab the blanket and pull it over my body. I feel so ashamed of myself and embarrassed. This was probably the worse thing I could do. He snatches it back down and slaps me hard across the face, claws and all.

"YOU WILL FUCKING LISTEN TO ME AND TAKE THIS LIKE THE LITTLE FAGGOT YOU ARE", he roars. He yanks me down to the floor and shoves his member in my mouth. I refused and he pulls my hair hard causing me to gasp. He took this opportunity and shoved himself all the way in my mouth causing me to gag and more tears to stream down my face. He mouth fucks me for a while, holding my head with one hand and my arms in another. He's way stronger than me and like twice my size. After he has enough of that, he lifts me up and throws me back on the bed. He flips me on my stomach and holds my hands behind my back. I feel something at my hole before he thrusts himself all the way in dry, with only my blood as lube. I scream out at the pain of something intruding my body. He pulls out and thrusts back in hard. He repeats this over and over again until he empties himself inside my body. I feel his hot liquid inside me, making me want to throw up. After I think he's done, he flips me onto my back and goes again. I just silently cry. After another round of him emptying his load in me, he's done and drops on top of me.

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