chapter two

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Bradley aka asshole alpha above^

Averie's POV

I head inside the building and speed walk to my locker to try to avoid the bullies. My school has werewolves and humans, along with some other supernatural beings. The humans here don't know about us and we like to keep it that way. Unfortunately luck was not my side this fine Monday morning.

I was almost at my locker when I got pushed into it. I literally haven't done anything to them for them to bully me. Hell, they don't even know for sure I'm gay but that seems to be their favorite insult.

"hey you little cock sucker!", says the one person I didn't want to see today: Bradley Cline, future alpha of the Silver Waters pack. The power literally radiates off of him. He towers over me, but then again almost everyone does. He looks to be about 6'2 and he has light brown hair and brown eyes. He's not that good looking to me so I don't know why the girls are all over him. Plus, his nose is crooked as fuck. He treats the girls so horrible and no one seems to care. Everyone is probably too scared of him. He does horrible things to these girls sexually and a few she-wolves have even left our pack. He treats them as property and goes even crazier once they leave or try to date other people. No one sees through the front he puts up. He's really insane if you take a moment to study him. I'm already fucking annoyed from this morning when my mom told me I had to go to this dipshit's party. For some reason, he honestly doesn't scare me. Well he does, but I would never show it. He's kind of stupid if you want to be real. I'm zoning out again.

"Hey, I'm fucking talking to you," he yells to my back since I'm still facing the locker. I know this has caught the attention of other students and I really don't want to turn around. Going against my better judgement, I do it anyways with a groan. I see his beta Mark next to him and some other twats whose names I don't care to remember.

"Hello you little bastard," I simply state with an eye roll. Yeah, I know I'm disrespecting my future Alpha but I could literally care less. My wolf, Nikki wants me to submit to him and bare my neck, but I refuse.

Submit to him, he's our future alpha. I know your smart ass doesn't want to but we have to. He's angry, Nikki says in my head. As if. I scoff inwardly.

No, I will not. I am not a coward and I refuse just because he's alpha, I tell her back. My wolf is a female in case anyway wanted to know. I don't know why. Nonetheless, back to the situation at hand... I look back up to the future alpha to see him in my face. I really need to pay more attention because I did not know his ass was that close to me.

"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE TALKING TO. I'M YOUR FUTURE ALPHA AND YOU WILL RESPECT ME", he spits in my face. Ew gross. I wiped my face off with my hand. Respect? That is one thing he does not deserve. A foot up his ass? Yes I do believe he deserves that. And of course, I had to make my thoughts known.

"Pfft, I am not respecting you, what the hell," I say to him with a glare. You're not supposed to look an alpha in the eyes as it's a sign of respect but in case you haven't noticed, I don't care. Before I can even register what happens, there's a harsh pain in my stomach that makes my double over. Distantly, the bell rings and I can hear students scurrying off to class. They're probably scared, even the humans. The only thing I can think is that they've never hit me like this before. I guess I was really out of line. Before I can fully stand up, there was a blow to my face and a couple more to my stomach making me fall to the ground. I have never been scared before, but right now I am more terrified than I've ever been in my life. After a final kick to my stomach, which makes a cracking sound, the alpha spits in my face. He pulls me up by my shirt and sneers with a cold voice "you will respect me you worthless mutt." Then he drags his claws down my face. For the first time, I have no witty remarks or anything sarcastic to say.   After that he drops me back down, making the pain much worse, and walks away. His little group follows after him.

I sit there trying catch my breath and collect my thoughts. Eventually, I move into a sitting position and hiss at the pain. I look around and the halls are empty. Thank goddess. I take a deep breath and pull myself up holding myself on the lockers. I grab my bag and check the hallways again before I head to the bathroom. It seems like it takes forever for me to reach it and I'm out of breath by the time I get inside. It really hurts to breathe. I make my way to the big stall and lock the door. I look into the mirror to see a nasty cut on my lip along with the claw marks and a fist print on my cheek. Since I'm a weaker wolf, I take longer to heal. They'll all be healed in a couple hours.

I wet a couple paper towels and dab them on my bleeding lip. The pressure causes me to wince. Once I clean that up, I attempt to remove my shirt. Emphasis on attempt. Everything hurts like hell. After some work, I peel off my shirt revealing the nasty bruises on my chest. The sight makes me wanna throw up and I do just that. Rushing to the toilet, I empty the contents of my stomach and just sit on the floor dry heaving. Gross, the floor of the school bathroom but that's the least of my worries. I get back up and rinse my mouth out. I splash the cool water on my face before drying it and applying some concealer over the claw marks. The bullying happens often so I'm always prepared. Plus, if I walk into the class with claw marks on my face, the humans will start to suspect. I grab my phone from my pocket and curse. Shit I missed almost 30 minutes of class.

I really don't want to go but I grab my things after one final look in the mirror and head to my first period: Government and Economics. I actually like that class because we don't do much and the teacher is chill. And my bullies aren't in any of my classes cause they're dumb.

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