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All my life I've always thought I was on the right path. Always the best student, both in school and college, always bringing pride to my family, always working hard in everything to make my dream come true. Be a great artist in the field of painting. And I got it.

My life was being a dream, my works being exhibited in galleries, and I was famous. Everything was going much better than I imagined. But it seems that was not what fate wanted for me.

Who knew that at the height of my success in the field of art I would have an accident and go blind indefinitely!?


When I was 22 years old I was in a car accident, I ended up hitting my head very hard during the accident and I lost my eyesight. I can't of get about that day, was super late for a photo shoot of a very popular art magazine, in this section I would present my works a lot more, who knew that a trip to the photography studio could end this!? I

I was in a coma for 2 months and when I woke up I couldn't move a muscle at a ll. This is not to say that I was paralyzed, my muscles just atrophied. At least I wouldn't be totally useless. Since I couldn't see an inch in front of me. I was in a totally black world.

It's been 1 month since I left the hospital, I'm still in a wheelchair and blind. The only person who was always here with me was my sister Sabina, my parents died in a plane crash three years ago. I know if they were alive they wouldn't want to look at a useless girl like me who isn't even fit to go to the bathroom alone.

Physical therapy has helped me a little, I can take five steps during a session, but my knees are not strong enough to support me. So I always end up falling.

Everyday I ask God why I didn't die in that accident? Why am I still here? If I'm good for nothing but making Sabina work. I don't have hope anymore, the chances of my vision coming back are super low. My hope died the day of that damn accident. No one in this world could change my mind about my accident. 


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