Good Memory, Still Forgetful

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I ended up having to stay in the hospital wing all weekend. By the time Madame Pomfrey let my leave it was Monday morning. I walked to breakfast alone hoping that Hermione had grabbed my bag like I had asked her to the night before.

She had stopped by to check on me before she and Harry took Norbert. I had told her that Madam Pomfrey said my hand was doing a lot better and I should be fully recovered by morning. I think she wanted me to stay longer so she could try to find out what exactly bit me but I left before she could say anything other than "Try to avoid overusing it."

I skipped through the halls happy to be out of bed and free from Madam Pomfrey's ever-watchful gaze. However, when I reached the great hall I stumbled over my feet, nearly falling over in shock. The hourglass that held Gryffindor's rubies telling us our house points were nearly empty. I could only stare at it, dumbfounded as to how we were so low when, just two days ago, we had been in the lead.

I rushed into the great hall, searching the Gryffindor table for my friends, spotting Hermione, Harry, and Ron sitting together at the end of the table in a group. Walking over to them, I ignored the stares that I got from a few other Gryffindors who were probably wondering why I spent the whole weekend in the Hospital wing. I sat down across from them and next to Neville, who only stared at his plate in silence.

When no one said anything to me I glanced around and noticed something about the rest of the Gryffindors. "Why is everyone glaring at you guys?"

Hermione merely gave me a weak smile as the boys said nothing. I looked between the three of the people across from me hoping one of them would speak up. Finally I caught Hermione's eye and she nodded her head towards the entrance of the great hall.

"Wait," I said, starting to catch on. "Are you guys the reason we lost so many points?"

Harry gave one quick nod, not looking to my face.

"We got caught last night," Hermione explained quietly.

"Well," I sighed, trying to think of any positive to cheer them up. "At least you weren't expelled."

Hermione looked terrified at the mere mention of it. There was a moment of tense silence before Ron glanced at something behind me and said, "Why does your sister look like she's coming over here to hex you?"

I whipped around and saw Cecelia practically stomping towards us with a hard glare on her face. She stopped behind me and I turned around fully to give her a nervous smile. "Hey Cissy... how are you?"

She stared down at me, her mouth pressed into a thin line. "Come with me."

She then turned on her heel and made her way back out of the great hall. I glanced at my friends, looking for reassurance and finding none. Sighing, quickly scrambled up out of my seat and followed after my sister. She was already at the doors and turned left towards the classrooms, not looking to see if I was following.

I caught up to her once she was in one of the smaller corridors where no one else was walking. I heard her take a deep breath before turning to face me. "Why didn't you tell me you were in the hospital wing? I had to find out from Lee Jordan. LEE JORDAN! How hard would it have been to ask one of your friends to tell me? Honestly, did you think I wouldn't care? And how did you even get bitten by a dog? There aren't any dogs on the grounds except for Hagrid's and I don't think Fang would bite anyone, much less a student!" She was red in the face by the time she was done with her rant. She seemed to calm down as she took a few deep breaths. "Are you okay?"

I could only stare at her for a second, shocked by her yelling. She looked worried now, her face drawn into a deep frown. "Uh- yeah, yeah. I'm fine now."

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