Off to Hogwarts

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The next few weeks went by quickly, which I spent helping in the shop and walking around Diagon Alley with Cecelia. We often went to Florean Fortescue's ice cream parlor, where we could watch all of the shoppers pass by and Cecelia would say hi to her friends and even introduce me. At some point we went back to Flourish and Blotts and I got some books to pass the time including "Hogwarts, A History", "Spells and Their Origins", and a series called "The Adventures of Melinda the Witch". So far I'd found them all very interesting.

The days I spent in the shop were the hardest because Munson's had been popular before it shut down and it still seemed to be that way. I ran back and forth between helping customers, stacking shelves and taking anything people were selling to us. We were basically a thrift shop but with new stuff too.

Finally the morning came when we were leaving for Hogwarts. The sound of someone knocking on my door woke me and Ella, who had been sleeping on my pillow next to my head. Then I heard Cecelia yell, "Get up already! It's 10 o' clock we need to get going!" I groaned, rolling over and knocking Ella off of the pillow. She hissed at me before running to the windowsill. I rolled my eyes at her anger, she would get over it later. I sat up blinking the sleep out of my eyes, but still half-asleep. Then I remembered. I WAS GOING TO HOGWARTS!

I scrambled out of bed and rushed to get dressed. I knew that we had to wear muggle clothes so I threw on some purple jeans and a bright yellow sweater that was about 2 sizes too big. After I dressed I ran around my room making sure that I had everything packed. I threw in last minute books and my red cloak before placing my silver box gently on top. I looked around my room one last time and saw my boots and the black and gold thing on my nightstand. I put on my boots and grabbed the thing. I still hadn't figured out the name but I knew what it did. It was basically a quill that you don't have to dip. In my opinion that's pretty cool.

I put it in my pocket and grabbed my trunk and put Ella's cage on top and dragged them to the kitchen. When I got to the kitchen I was ready to pass out since my trunk was so heavy. I left it next to the island and flopped into my seat and dropped my head on the table. I rested for a moment before I felt a tapping on my head and looked up to see a plate of delicious looking waffles. I grabbed at the plate greedily and smothered it in whip cream. As I was stuffing my face, footsteps and a thump sounded behind me. I turned to see Cecelia sitting on top of her trunk, putting her wand into her jacket pocket. "Took you long enough," I said rolling my eyes.

"I've been ready for 10 minutes now and I already ate," she said.

"Ok well sorry, but you could have gotten me up earlier." She let out a loud humph before turning her back on me.

"So you're not coming with us right?" She asked mom.

"WAIT WHAT?! What do you mean you're not coming with us?" I whirled around to face my mom.

Mom grimaced, "I can't leave the shop. I don't have time sweetie, I'm so sorry. It'll just be you and Cecelia going to the platform."

I looked down glumly at my empty plate. Great now I'm stuck with Cecelia and no one to say goodbye to on the platform. I don't know why this seemed like a big deal to me, I just wanted her to be there.

"Oh, okay," I sniffed looking down.

"Oh come on Blue-J you know I would come if I could," I smiled at the old nickname.

"Yeah I know, and you can come next year right?"

"Right, you know with the store still new I can't get away."

I nodded again before looking at the clock. It was 10:43! I jumped out of my seat.

"We need to get going," I said looking at Cecelia. She nodded, we both hugged mom and Damian goodbye before we grabbed our trunk and each other's hand. Then we disapparated. I was used to the feeling of being squeezed through a straw. I'd been doing this for years, but I never said I liked it. The first time I did it I puked then passed out. Not a fun thing.

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