Potions and Pranks

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I awoke to the sound of curtains being pushed back and sunlight hitting my face. Squinting open my eyes I saw Hermione standing above me with her hands on her hips.

"What...what time is it?" I asked stifling a yawn. I sat up and saw that everyone else was already getting ready and I was the only one still asleep.

"It's 7:30 in the morning and it's time for you to get up."

"At this ungodly hour. My gosh Hermione what's wrong with you?!"

"You told me yourself you get up at 8!"

"Yes but there is a very big difference between 7:30 and 8."


"Yes it's a whole 30 minutes!"

"Well you need enough time to get up, get ready, eat breakfast and find your class before 9 o'clock. I'd say it's a perfectly reasonable time to get up."

"Well I, on the other hand, do not but there's no way I'll get back to sleep now so I might as well get up."

Hermione sent me a satisfied grin before heading off to the bathroom to finish getting ready. I got out of bed slowly, trying to savor the warm sheets. I walked over to my trunk to find Ella waiting patiently on top.
"What do you want cat?" I asked tiredly. She just meowed then jumped off and pawed at the side of it. I understood then so I opened it up, grabbed a little stuffed rabbit, and tossed it to her. I dug through my trunk a little bit and pulled out my uniform and red boots.

After I was dressed I hurried to tame my hair and get my stuff together. When I was done I found Hermione waiting by the door. She let out a laugh when she saw my outfit. It was mostly normal except for my skirt which had a gold line going down the side.
"All my skirts are like this except with different colored stripes. Who wants to just have plain black skirts? That's boring," I explained.

"And...the leggings?" She gestured. I looked down at my leggings. They were sky blue with daisies all over them.
"They're for pizzazz," I exclaimed. She let out another laugh and shook her head then turned and left anyways. I followed her down to the common room where I ran into Fred, literally. I landed on the ground with a thud. I looked up to see him smirking at me before helping me up.

"You know we should really stop meeting like this," he joked. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag off the ground.

"Yeah well it's not my fault you were in the way," I chuckled. He laughed then gestured to the portrait hole where George was waiting and Hermione had already gone through. "Shall we go" he asked.

"We shall," I answered then followed him out of the portrait hole and down to the Great Hall. I sat down in between Hermione and Fred and started piling my plate with waffles. Hermione saw my plate and scoffed, "That's way to much."

"There's never too much," I said stabbing my waffles.

"Now you sound like Ron," George laughed. I just shrugged my shoulders and continued to stuff my face. As we ate McGonagall went around passing out time-tables. Right as I got mine Fred took it out of my hands to examine it.

"Mostly good classes. Herbology with Hufflepuffs, charms with Ravenclaws, ouch though..." he trailed off.

"What?" I asked.

"Potions with Slytherins, that's never fun."

"Why not?" Hermione questioned.

"Well Snape, the potions professor, is the Head of Slytherin House," George explained.

"So what?" I asked.

"Well Snape favors his students, a lot," Fred said, "and he hates Gryffindor's so that class will most likely suck."

Eccentric // Fred Weasley [1]Where stories live. Discover now