What to do on Snowy Days

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The common room after the quidditch match had been insane. All the Gryffindors were ecstatic from the win and were celebrating. Fred and George had snuck food in and set off a bunch of Filibusters Fabulous Wet-start, No-heat fireworks. All of that annoyed Hermione  to no end, but she was in such a good mood that she didn't seem to care that much. However, Percy was chasing them around all night much to everyone's amusement.

The next day after classes, we went to visit Hagrid. He welcomed us with a pot of tea and a congratulatory hug to Harry on the win yesterday, when Ron said with confidence, "It was Snape cursing Harry's broom. We," he gestured to himself, Hermione, and I, "saw him."

"Rubbish," Hagrid said. He had been watching Harry the whole time his broom was trying to buck him off  and hadn't actually noticed what we had been doing.

"But it's true, we saw him staring at Harry and muttering. That's exactly what you do when your cursing someone," I exclaimed, trying to get him to understand.

"Why would Snape want to curse Harry's broom?" Hagrid questioned.

I exchanged looks with Ron and Hermione when Harry decided to blurt out what we'd been thinking, "Snape tried to get pat the three-headed dog on Halloween and it bit him! We think he was trying to steal whatever it's guarding."

Hagrid's face white as he dropped the teapot he'd been holding, "How do you know about Fluffy?"

"Fluffy?" Hermione said, incredulous.

We all stared at him, waiting for an explanation. "Yeah...he's mine...bought him from a Greek fellow I met in a pub las' year. I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the-"

"Yes," Harry said eagerly . We leaned in, wanting to know what that dog was guarding.

"Now don't ask me anymore. That's top secret and you don' need to know no more."

I huffed.

"But Snape is trying to steal it!" Hermione cried. "He jinxed Harry's broom and tried to get past fluffy and-"

"Now that's enough." Hagrid cut her off. "You all just forget that dog and what it's guardin', that's between Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel-'

"Aha!" I yelled, "So someone called Nicholas Flamel is involved." We all shared triumphant looks with each other. Hagrid looked furious with himself.


After we left Hagrid's we spent the rest of the day in the library trying to find out who Nicholas Flamel was. Sadly Fred and George dragged me away after only a few hours of looking, saying they had something more important for me to do. That was how I ended up sitting in the middle of their dormitory with my presents surrounding me. I was waiting for the twins to come back, as they had left saying they had a surprise to get for me.

Finally, they burst through the door with what looked like a pile of papers hidden behind their back. "Sorry for the wait," Fred breathed out, smiling.

"Had trouble getting everything together," finished George.

"Great, now can I please open my presents?" I whined. 

"I'm surprised you even waited for us," Fred scoffed sitting across from me, along with George.

I laughed then and ripped into my presents. I got a muggle book series titled "Lord of the Rings" from mom, a color-changing head band from Cecelia, a package of chocolate frogs from Damian, and a letter from Harley saying I would get my present from him i the summer.

"Gee, thanks," I muttered tossing the letter aside.

"What, was it not what you wanted?" Fred asked.

Eccentric // Fred Weasley [1]Where stories live. Discover now