Quidditch and Wizard Duels

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I ran down the hallway after Fred and George and away from the Slytherin Common room and a horde of angry Slytherins.

"This way!" Fred yelled diving behind a tapestry into a hidden hallway. George and I followed in suit and we all waited silently the crowd of now red and gold Slytherins passed by. Waiting a few more moments to catch our breath, Fred checked that the coast was clear. He signaled us a thumbs up and we made our way out behind the tapestry and back to the common room. As we went we talked about who we could prank next.

"How about Snape!" Fred suggested excitedly.

"No, we pranked him not to long ago and he knew it was us he just couldn't prove it. If we do it again too soon I'm almost positive he'll catch us." George reasoned.

"He's right," I agreed, "I think... we should prank...Ron!"

"You just want to prank him because you're still mad at him, " Fred said rolling his eyes.

"Well you would too if he said you twins death wasn't important," I snarled and walked ahead of them. Fred apparently didn't like that and grabbed me from around the waist then slung me over his shoulder like a sack of flour.

"You do have a point, but Ron didn't actually say that. You know he wasn't paying attention so I don't see why your still holding this grudge," George said.

"Because," Fred answered somehow moving me to where he was giving me a piggy back ride, "she's stubborn." He stopped for a second, "and tiny."

"Whatever," I huffed and jumped down then tried to get away by walking ahead. This only made them walk faster and the next thing I knew I was in a Weasley sandwich.

"So how was your flying lesson?" George asked changing the subject. I smirked thinking back to the class earlier today.

We'd had it with Slytherins and we'd all lined up in rows with our brooms beside us. I had been talking with Hermione when Madame Hooch came over. Hermione hadn't seemed very excited to learn how to fly a broom, I on the other hand had already ridden a broom many times before so I wasn't worried. When Madame Hooch told us to put our hand over our broom and say 'up' I was one of the few people to get it on their first try. She went on to say that our brooms should have come up then and those whose didn't should pick them up. From there we mounted our brooms and waited for her signal. She told us that when she blew her whistle we were to push off from the ground, hover for a moment, then touch back down.

She started to countdown, "1...2..." then before she even got to 3, Neville started to lift off the ground. I was pretty sure he didn't want to do that because he kept saying, "Down, down!"

Madam Hooch was telling him to come down but it was clear he was no in control. His broom started to jerk around and I noticed something fall out of his robes but his broom was flying around more so I ignored it. Suddenly his broom changed directions and crashed into a wall, flinging Neville to the ground with a thud.

Madam Hooch took him to the hospital wing and told us to not to get on our brooms. While this was happening Malfoy had found what Neville dropped. "Maybe if the great lump had given this a squeeze he'd remember to fall in his fat arse," he sneered holding the Remembrall Neville had gotten that morning.

"Give it back, Malfoy!" I snarled at him. He just smirked and said, "Didn't think you'd stick up for a little cry-baby like Neville, Nickol. Filthy half-blood!" I was about to reply when Harry said, "Just give it back, Malfoy!"

"You know Potter, I think I'll leave it somewhere for him to find it. How about the top of the Astronomy tower!" Then he jumped on his broom and flew away.

Eccentric // Fred Weasley [1]Where stories live. Discover now