Q&A (Every Thursday)

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Her voice was defensive. Low and dangerous as she stared at the floor in answering him.

"That is something you don't need to know."

She stood as if nothing had happened. Her gaze turning in his direction, to the fingers wrapped firmly around her shoulder in concerned support. His hand pulled away instinctively, though he compelled himself to stay by her side.

A question lingered in his mind, before he pushed it outwards to her, "How long?"

It was forcibly knocked back towards him, the question hitting straight into the ground, her answer like a spear with deadly accuracy killing it in an instant.

"You need to stop trying to ask questions, Doctor."

He figured there would be no point in trying to go further into this conversation, he was unsure how to handle it.

Determined not to let it get to him, he told her she could leave, sighing dejectedly as she shot a defensive glare towards him. Moving out of the way as she headed for the door to the stairs in the wing, he avoided against watching her on the way out.

He had let her disappear on him yet again but this time it felt different.

As much as he hated it, the voice in his head assured him everything would be alright. His mix of emotions continued to fester at an ever-increasing rate inside of him.

He just needed to... get her home before he went to the moon, and not in any way kill her before then.


Outside, Takeo, Nikolai and Dempsey had been getting ready for the night. They knew more of the undead would be making their way to the facility in an attempt to initiate a surprise attack.

They always did through the night.

The undead and the men knew that ammo was in low supply after their last altercation. What they did not expect was the wave of enemies incoming.

As the air around them was enveloped by a weighted fog, the voice from above gave a chilling response, "FETCH ME THEIR SOULS."

They knew all too well what was about to happen, however they were far from prepared when the enemy suddenly appeared.

They were vicious, flaming undead dogs they had nicknamed Hellhounds. Arriving from flashes of unnatural lighting, creating electrical fields wherever they were bound to appear, these undead dogs were ruthless when they were called out. The men had faced them before coming to the facility and had trouble in the past with how fast these undead creatures were.

With the few suddenly appearing relatively in front of them out of thin air, they scrambled for their weapons, firing rounds into the creatures' flesh before the sound of more was heard inside and outside their once relatively safe location.

The group of dogs closest were soon quelled in numbers, giving the men enough time to make their way through to the courtyard at the back of the facility, albeit a few close encounters. They all quickly ran up to the building at the back housing teleporter Z-C to find the others through the fight with what few dogs were around.

Upon arriving, they were met with a number of hellhounds charging at them along with more appearing from the teleporter and a few from behind the group. They fought through, hoping to find any evidence that the other two were together and also fighting back. With upgraded guns blazing into the undead dogs, they made sure the room was cleared before they entered.

"Chloe! Richtofen!" Dempsey called out into the large space, killing a flaming, rotting dog as it bounded towards him.

"Where the hell are they? You told me she went this way Tak!" The marine called out in frustration.

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