Zombies... Why did it have to be zombies?

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Night had started to shine through. Clouds were dissipating, revealing the starts and moon brightly in the sky. The relative calm brought by nightfall relinquishing the facility of its anxious aura. In the quietness it revealed a fatal flaw.

The air was abruptly broken by an echoing bang followed by the subsequent shrill cry of an undead corpse.

Having barely made it to the teleporter room door, the pair suddenly stopped dead in their tracks.

Was it a false alarm? No. Someone had alerted the zombie.

Another bang, a second, a third.

They were frozen in place, hesitant. Worried, Chloe looked around ready for what would happen next.

Who had it been? Which one of the three had gone on watch?

Her question was answered when the distant, booming, slurred speech of the Russian was heard. Of course, it had to be Nikolai...

Both scientists cautiously looked between themselves and the surrounding area, waiting for something. Anything. The air was sliced through by the sudden surge of decaying screams surrounding the void facility. The sounds of muffled shuffling gaining momentum, the once distant screams starting to emerge increasing in volume which began picking up in pace, fast.

Much faster than before.

Soon, shrieking and wailing were echoing through the corridors making its way to the scientists. Enveloping the still facility into a startled frenzy; brought back into a capricious panic.

Alive again. And not in a good way.

The noise was one thing, but the current separation of the group was another. Upon hearing the boards, once semi-attached to the makeshift barriers, being violently ripped down from their wonky placement by force, the scientists only had one goal in mind - survive.

Chloe had to get back to the Commonwealth. They had every chance to succeed, why did this need to happen now? She stood, figuring out where she could go from here.

Were they really so important? The simple answer was no.

They were not.

She could survive on her own, so she ran straight for the offices.

The Doctor quickly took himself towards the main courtyard, they would be able to defend it again as it was the easiest space. After a second, he took a sharp turn around realising Chloe hadn't followed him.

As she clambered over the broken walls Richtofen clutched at the chain-link fence separating the two.

She was graceful in avoiding the disturbed ground as much as possible, guiding herself precisely through the maze of upturned soil, littered with rotting hands and partially uncovered bodies reaching out at her.

"What are you doing you stupid woman?" Sternly shouting at her.

He was beside himself as the realisation hit.

The dead had begun to appear in vast numbers now. As much as this was a sure-fire way to get rid of her, he decided against his better judgement and hoisted himself over to join her.

Somehow, they made it a substantial distance without any injury before the beasts began pouring in from the front and sides of the facility. Running at them, some verging on a full sprint.

Chloe was set on where to go, however, the offices would only be adequately safe - this she knew. She had no other choice at this point. The doors were open, scrawled with a chalky message, light barely making a crack through to the dilapidated interior. Opening the large doors, now somewhat heavier than before, both barred the inside with loose furniture nearby.

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