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Ayaka Smirked and looked straight at Bakugo licking her lips.A white haired male then came in and smiled at Shoto. "Oh hey Shoto!" Natsuo greeted pulling his little brother into a hug. "H-hey Natsuo."As they were talking Ayaka got up and pulled Bakugo to the couch.The purple haired alpha got up and walked into the kitchen.

"Here drink some."Ayaka stated giving Bakugo a glass of beer.Katsuki shrugged and took the glass bottle,He then chugged it down and placed the bottle on the side table.Ayaka laid her head on his shoulder and talked to him.After a while Natsuo had sat down along with Shoto and Fuyumi came in with the purple haired alpha.

She looked over at Ayaka and Bakugo surprised.She then looked over at Natsuo and smiled. "Ok so Shoto and Natsuo...............And uhm........Bakugo I guess this is Aya she is my alpha and that's her little sister Ayaka."She stated.

Natsuo looked over at Ayaka and awkwardly smiled and then at Aya with a genuine smile.Shoto warmly smiled at Aya and then looked down.Bakugo smiled,slightly awkward since he's not really part of the family just yet.

"And! Me and Aya decided it was time We'd get married!"Natsuo's Smile dropped and Shoto furrowed his brows looking up at Fuyumi.There was an awkward silence and then.

"Well fucking congratulations I fucking guess"The ash blond stated and Shoto mentally face palmed.
One week later
Shoto woke up confused to why he wasn't in the dorms but then sighed remembering what happened last night.

~Flash back I guess mother fuc-

"Hey sho can you please come over I need help with some wedding plans......Oh! And bring Katsuki over too!"Fuyumi talked over the phone. "O-Oh okie."

~End of flash back~

Suddenly Shoto felt heat rising up his throat,Covering his mouth he threw the covers off of him and ran to the bathroom.There he kneeled down and threw up in the toilet.After he was done he flushed the toilet and rinsed his mouth with water.

The omega looked down at his stomach and sighed. "Welp gotta go to the store then" He stated as he walked out the bathroom.He didn't see Katsuki in bed yet he wasn't surprised,Ayaka would always go into the omega's room in the morning and grab him once he woke up every time they visited.

The omega sighed and got changed,Leaving the room he smelt the aroma of food waiting for him.Usually the smell made his stomach growl but today it churned and he gaged.He then heard giggling from the living room and saw Ayaka cling onto his alpha's muscular arm laughing her ass off while Bakugo rolled his eyes and brought his focus back at the tv.

Shoto huffed and walked into the kitchen just to see Fuyumi cooking while Aya was hugging her from behind and kissing her neck.He rolled his eyes and groaned walking into the hallways and putting his shoes on. "Hey bro where ya going?" Natsuo asked as he was walking by with a blue haired girl known as Aiko his girlfriend.

"Just out"The omega barked before slamming the door shut.He then started walking to the store making annoyed faces at the men who checked him out.He then reached the store and stormed inside looking for a certain something.

Once he found it he sighed and grabbed the box.Going to the check out he threw the box at the cashier who was also checking him out. "1 dollar and 89 cents,But you can have it for free if you can suck my d-"The male Cashier was cut off by a smack and money thrown at him.Shoto snatched the box and walked out the store like the queen he is.

He reached the Todoroki household once again and sighed before opening the door to hear shouting a loud giggling.He took off his shoes and speed walked to his room once again slamming the door close and locking himself in his bathroom.He then opened the box grabbed the white stick.The omega read the instructions and groaned.
After he pissed on the fucking white ass Donald Duck stick
He stared at the screen with watery eyes. "Damn it Katsuki look what you did."He whispered and threw the positive pregnancy test in his pocket.The little omega wiped his eyes and walked out his room entering the living,Once he got there his eyes widen and tears fell once again.There was Ayaka making out with Bakugo as Bakugo kissed back,The ash-blond alpha opened his eyes and saw his omega standing there,He quickly pushed Ayak-BLEH- off of him as Shoto ran to the front door.

As the peppermint omega opened the door His alpha shut it before he could leave. "Damn it I'm fucking sorry Shoto I- I- I didn't mean it." Bakugo pathetically explained as his omega turned around.Shoto cried harder and he reached in his pocket grabbing the white ass stick,He then threw it at Katsuki, watching the alpha gulp he rolled his eyes. "I'm going to be a father?" The ash-blond asked.

Shoto looked down and sighed. "I'm going to be a mother.................................But you're not worthy enough to the the father so no."He stated as he yanked the door open and ran out.Bakugo's eyes went wide and he quickly ran after the omega.As he ran and called Shoto's name he saw Todoroki disappear as rain started pouring down.

"Shoto.............please wait I'm sorry"The alpha cried out.

UHMMMMMM🌝 Hello..............................


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