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Helloooo I've finally got the commitment to write a book whoops🙌

This is pure fiction, aimed for just entertainment purposes ;)

All pictures used do not belong to me, all credits to owners.

The book may include slight mature contents, do avoid if you feel uncomfortable of these contents.

There may be other ships e.g. liskook, yoonie, jirosé but main focus would be still vsoo so don't be pouty if you don't see your fav ship. It is a vsoo fanfic!

I have to say, this would be a slow and long book due to my lack of ability to summarise and just loving the sound of my keyboard typing ;)

As you've probably read my one shots, I hope you did, I'm not a confident writer nor a perfect non-grammatical error one so I beg you to be kind hehe

The book is kinda an extended version of some one my one shots that I kinda linked scenes together but in different context and situation so as my brain only has limited scenes and creativity, don't be shock to see some of my one shots scenes included :)

Also as you've seen in my other book, I am not updating as often as many other authors so I hope you understand that I have college to attend and assignment due dates to meet :)

I hope you would support "stigmatized" as much as you had supported "You and I"! <3

Happy reading!!

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