Chapter three|Invite

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"Invitation?" my head snapped up at the figure who walked in holding onto a gold card that had an emblem carved on it

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"Invitation?" my head snapped up at the figure who walked in holding onto a gold card that had an emblem carved on it.

I recognised it as one of the most coveted invitations in the world with only a handful of people influential enough to be in the tiny upper class circle gets their hands on it.

"By the looks of it, you're invited to the Kim's charity ball. Ironic isn't it, murdering and doing charity. What a great combo," Jungkook snickered, throwing the envelope on his my desk and throwing himself onto the leather sofa opposite me, fishing out his phone to play.

"I will bring Chaeng with me, she would appreciate the irony," I quipped just to irritate him, pushing away from my desk and joining him on the couch.

"Just because my sister and I are sold to your family doesn't mean you can treat her like a doll for display!"Jungkook slapped the back of my head, causing me to groan at his sudden outburst.

"If I truly treat you like an object that I bought, your head wouldn't be intact until today. I'm only bringing Chaeng cause it's specified to bringing a partner," I huffed, pouring myself a drink from the tray on the coffee table.

"You can bring me, I would be a great date," Jungkook offered, pointing at himself with a little pout.

"Oh I'm planning just not by my arms you know," I almost choked at his sudden confession.

"You better make sure she comes back in a piece with not a single strand of hair touched," Jungkook grumbled causing me to chuckle, he is such protective brother to his half sister.

I couldn't forget the day my father brought the both of them home, dressed in faded rags that contrasted against the designer clothes I was clothed in since young. My father had informed that he had picked them up from the orphanage and was to act as company for me who grew up with no one but the maids in the house.

However although my father had said many times that both Jungkook and Chaeyoung were bought to serve me, I've never treated them as servants but like siblings, sharing what I have with them from a piece of cake to secrets that I kept.

They were a breath of fresh air from the bone crushing expectation of being future heir and was there with me as I took every step to what I am now. I couldn't thank them enough and everyone in our party know that both brother and sister were my right hand, my second lead and nobody would cross them ever like how they were bullied when they were young and homeless.

"I will, I never disappoint you isn't it?" I smiled, passing my half finished drink to Jungkook along with a file I had kept in my desk since the faithful day of meeting my target.

"What a pretty body, is she your next mistress?" Jungkook cooed causing me to scrunch my nose, this girl is getting no where near my bed. She was part of the organisation of my enemy and no one in the right mind would bed an enemy.

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