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Meredith awoke to the sound of her alarm clock blaring at 5:30 am. She had to start her first day of work today. This job would held with a lot of things such as the medical bills she had piled on the table from Lexie's cancer. Her sister was diagnosed with skin cancer about 6 months back and was on bed rest. They had been saving for a few months for the surgery that would help remove the cancerous tumors in her body and hopefully save her life.

She woke up and walked into her bathroom, brushing her teeth and curling her hair and putting it up in a professional looking bun. She walked into her closet and grabbed and black pencil skirt and peach colored blouse tank top.


"So when does your little slave arrive?" Mark, Dereks best friend asked as he threw a small basket ball against the wall. Derek looked down at his watch then back at his paperwork. "Any minute now. Better not be late" he sighed and leaned back in his chair.

"Are you gonna be a total asshole to this one and fire her as soon as you get in her pants" mark joked but was also serious at the same time.

"I don't get into their pants they all get into mine. Then I'm forced to fire them because they think it's all serious" Derek threw some paper into a file and and closed the drawer.

Knock knock.

"Come in!" Derek yelled. Mark turned his head towards the door and watched as a skinny blonde entered. Rosy cheeks and glossy lips. She walked in and silently closed the door with smile, turning to face Derek who was still focused on work.

"What can I do for you?" He still hadn't looked up.

"Oh! Dr. Shepherd dim your new assistant. Meredith Grey" she stepped forward and extended her hand. Just getting his attention.

He looked up and paused for a moment, swallowing hard at the gorgeous woman in front of him. She was... stunning. Breathtaking. Shut up Derek you don't date. And you definitely don't do commitment.

"Oh yes. You have a little office set up down the hall. All you have to do is schedule my meetings, grab my coffees. And leave me alone." She shooed her away and looked down. Her smiled was turned into a flat face.

"O-oh ok" she turned around and left, quickly finding a bare office with a small wooden desk and chair inside it. She sighed and set her things down, pulling out her lap top and getting to work.


Meredith had been working for hours and was starting to pick up an appetite. She finished her last email and stood up, grabbing her wallet and walking out the door, soon running into Derek.

"Jesus watch where your going!" He spilled his hot coffee over his lab coat and shirt. "Oh! I'm so sorry Derek I didn't mean to" she quickly grabbed a cloth near by and gave it to him.

"It's sir or dr. Shepherd. And where are you going?" He asked in a snarky tone and looked up to her. "Oh I thought I might go get some lunch. Could you show me where the cafe-" he stopped her.

"You can't go. I have 15 more emails you need to send. I'll tell you when you can go to eat" he looked her in the eyes. She frowned and grabbed the stack of papers he shoved towards her.

"It's been like 6 hours since I've eat-" he cut her off again.

"I don't care. If your smart you'll have a big breakfast tomorrow." He pointed towards her office. She sighed and turned around.

He's a bitch.


Meredith had been sitting at her desk for three hours. Her stomach was constantly reminding her that it was empty, to the point where she started to feel ill. She had finally finished all the emails and didn't see a reason why she couldn't go eat now.

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