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2 days later

It was the staffs first day back to work. Meredith had been to Dereks a few times, but only to drop Lexie off with mark.  Him and Meredith exchanged a few glances and smirks, but nothing much.

She woke up and got dressed into her usual outfit, grabbing her purse and getting in the car.

She drove to the hospital and saw Dereks sitting there. She smiled and started walking up to his office, knocking and walking in.

"Chief" she nodded her head and smiled. He looked up and smiled at her, looking back down at his paper. Meredith looked over at mark and winked.

"So mark, still putting up with Lexie?" She asked with a giggle and sat on the couch. "What can I say? Both of the grey sisters are hot" he shrugged his shoulders and smiled. Meredith giggled and looked up at Derek who was standing up and walking over to Meredith.

"Watch it mark. You already have one." Derek chuckled and put a file away.

"Jeez Derek getting jealous already?" Mark asked. Meredith giggled and looked up at Derek. "Im not jealous. Im just winning the race" he smiled and pointed to a bunch of guy doctors who where hovered around Meredith's office.

"Ok. Well I'm going to pick up some food for me and Lexie."

"Ooh! Mark she needs her 10 am meds" Meredith stopped him. He nodded his head and walked out.

"Your cute when your jealous" Meredith giggled and ate a grape off of Derek desk. He looked up and rolled his eyes.

"I don't get jealous"  he smiled back.

"You do so. We aren't even a thing and your already jealous" she giggled. Derek looked up at her and his expressions dropped.

Not a thing? Oh...

He looked back down at his papers and stood up, handing her a box.

"What's this?" She asked and scanned through it.

"It's work. That you will do. By 12"

She raised her eyebrow and walked out, going to her office and setting her things down. Well that was weird. He totally just flipped emotions.


Meredith hadn't heard anything from Derek. He didn't even offer her lunch. She decided that she had given him enough space and it was time to go talk to him.


She waited a moment before hearing him silently say come in. She stepped in and saw him at his desk, tired and exhausted looking.

"Derek... what's wrong, ever since I said that thing about-"

"About what Meredith? That we're not a thing?" He asked and looked up. She jumped a little and sat down on his couch.

"Look I don't know what has gotten you so upset but please tell me" she asked nicely. Derek laughed to himself and rolled his eyes.

"I don't know?! Maybe the 'I took you to a Christmas parade' and I don't even like Christmas, but I did it for you. Or the letting you sleep in my bed and giving pleasure throughout the night? I thought that maybe we would be a little more than friends, but I guess not. Because who wants to be with the jack ass right?"

He finished his sentence with hurt in his eyes. She looked down and stood up, walking over to him.

"Derek I- I didn't mean it in that way-"

"Yea sure you didn't"

"I'm serious. I knew that you had mixed emotions about me and I wanted to let you be the judge of when we started being more than friends. I didn't want to rush you into something because I know you like to move slow" she rubbed his leg as he looked at her.

"Well do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked with a slight smile.

She smiled and looked up, pondering with her eyes to tease him. "Oh I guess so... but only if you ask nicely" she smirked.

"Ok fine... Meredith Grey, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend.... Please?" He said with a sparkle in his eye.

"Yes Derek shepherd I will" she smiled and leaned up to kiss him. He smiled and turned his chair so she could sit on his lap. She giggled and he set his hands on her ass and lifted her up more.

"Hey I'm back- woah... ok then" mark interrupted them. Meredith giggled and hid herself in Dereks neck.

"Seriously dude?" Derek asked with his arms up.

"I'll let you two be" mark smirked and winked at Meredith before leaving. "Ok good. Come back here" he smiled and pulled her face back to his.

Chief shepherd to room 2378, chief shepherd to room 2378

The intercoms went off. Derek  and Meredith both sighed.

"Do you want to come to my place tonight?" He asked with a smirk. "Mm fine but no funny business. We both have work in the morning" she smiled. Derek rolled his eyes and smiled.

"I should be back soon. You can wait here if you'd like" he gave her a quick kiss and then left the room.

Meredith sat down in his office chair and spun around for a moment. She looked at his computer and saw just work files and stuff. He had 3 drawers on each side that all had key holes in them. She looked around and saw the keys hanging on a nail behind his coat rack. She reached up and grabbed them, opening the drawers.

Her mouth dropped when she saw what was inside them. Handcuffs, gags, whips and vibrators. She looked at all of them and they where all brand new.

What the fuck is he going to do with me?

She gulped and saw Derek walking down the catwalk back to his office. She quickly shut the door and put the keys back.

He opened the door and smiled at her. "Stealing my chair?" He smirked and stood in front of her. "Yep. And it's mine now" she giggled and pushed him away with her foot.

He smiled and picked her up, sitting down in his chair with her on his lap. She smiled and leaned back as he opened his lap top and started working.

"So what do I have to prepare for?" She asked and ran her fingers through his hair. "What?" He asked confused.

"You know... how big are you? In inches"

"Oh" he laughed and kissed the side of her head.

"12 inches"


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